Corn is an economically important crop in Georgia, with production occupying the third-greatest row crop acreage in the state behind cotton and peanuts. Field corn grown in Georgia primarily contributes to regional poultry, dairy and ethanol industries. In addition to economic value, corn is often important to crop rotations with cotton, peanuts, soybeans and horticultural crops.

This site provides current management recommendations via the Georgia Corn Production Guide and supplementary resources, as well as decision making tools including interactive budgets, crop comparison tools and official variety testing reports. 


Corn Hybrid Performance Results

Success With Cover Crops (PDF)

Georgia Corn Diagnostic Guide - A comprehensive guide for troubleshooting problems in corn.

How a Corn Plant Develops - An excellent publication by Iowa State University on the development of corn.

Corn Budgets

Budgets prepared by the UGA Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics.