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News from the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

Stretch the season of your favorite flowers, like irises, by planting cultivars with different bloom times. CAES News
Plant Color
Gardening is often described as an art and a science. And while this suggests a degree of nuance to gardening, it is also quite true. Landscape design principles used to create an aesthetic garden space include color, form and balance, among others.
loquat CAES News
Small Space Planting
Whether looking to create a natural screen between homes or hide an unsightly corner of a property, experts with University of Georgia Cooperative Extension say that well-chosen small trees and shrubs can help homeowners create a natural fence in the landscape.
The Grand Finale Award winner for the 2021 Classic City Awards is the ‘Sumati Orange’ Marigold from AmeriSeed. Judges said "Not only in fall, but all through the early spring and summer sun, these marigolds have flower power. Plants grown from seed are healthy, quickly germinating, and ready for planting in two to three weeks. Stems are tall and perfect for cut-flower production." CAES News
Trial Gardens Open House
The Trial Gardens at University of Georgia will be in full bloom and will showcase dozens of new cultivars being tested at two open house events in June, one for industry members and the other for the public featuring a pop-up sale.
When pruning, it is important to remember that wherever the plant is cut regrowth will be stimulated, generally happening within 6 to 8 inches of the cut. CAES News
Pruning 101
Do you have a yard full of woody ornamentals? Are you unsure of when or how to prune them? With diverse growth habits and varying pruning requirements, it can be overwhelming to try to figure out when and how to prune each variety. Not pruning correctly, or at the wrong time, can lead to plants to become irregular in shape, more vulnerable to cold damage or pests, or less likely to flower at their full potential.
A spring-planted dwarf Hinoki falsecypress shows transplant shock four months after planting. CAES News
Transplant Shock
Georgia gardeners will find the most success transplanting trees in the cooler seasons. But anywhere a tree or shrub dies within the first year of planting, there is usually a root issue involved. Spring-planted trees and shrubs are generally more stressed from summer heat because their roots are still underdeveloped during the first year. This results in excessive wilting, which causes well-intentioned gardeners to literally water their plants to death. 
John Ruter, University of Georgia, CAES News
Tree Sex
Female flowers and female trees produce fruit and seeds. Male flowers and trees produce pollen. Making the correct choice of tree gender can be important. Anyone who has ever smelled putrid ginkgo fruit, washed mulberries off their car or sneezed at tree pollen should understand.
Often planted to create borders or buffers, Leyland cypress trees can grow four feet taller in just a year. Planting too close together or too close to structures can present a huge problem as the tree matures. CAES News
Leland Cypress
Leyland cypress are one of the most commonly planted landscape trees, but poor site selection and disease pressure may soon send them the way of red tips and Bradford pears.
Entomosporium leaf spot on Photinia (Red Tip). Small reddish leaf spots appear initially. As spots age, center is grayish with a dark purple border. Leaf spots may coalesce causing severe leaf blight. Severely infected leaves drop prematurely. Over time severely infected plants die. Infection is favored by poor air circulation and prolonged periods of leaf wetness. CAES News
Leaf spot disease
Excessive rain signals another a bad year for leaf spot diseases on landscape trees and shrubs. The leaf spotting that affects pear trees, including both edible pears and ornamental Bradford types, is caused by a fungal disease known as Entomosporium leaf spot. This disease also affects related shrubs such as Indian hawthorn and red tip photinia.
When using pesticides, remember that the safe and legal use of pesticides requires that the entire label be followed exactly. Contact your local Extension agent if you're unsure about a product. CAES News
Stop, Read, Apply
As we head into summer, we start to see problems with weeds, diseases and insects in the landscape and around vegetable gardens. Some of these pest problems can be solved without the use of chemicals, but if the pest population reaches damaging levels, using pesticides may be warranted. Remember that using pesticides is safe and legal but requires reading and following label directions in their entirety.
A layer of natural mulch around plants will help protect soil moisture from evaporation and provide organic material for your soils. CAES News
Water Conservation in the Landscape
You might be reaching for the watering can here in Georgia, considering recent hot and dry conditions over most of the state. And with World Environment Day coming up on June 5, home gardeners are considering what they can do to sustainably irrigate their plants and sustain soil moisture. There are actions you can take now to help conserve water in your landscape and keep your plants hydrated.