Browse Landscaping Stories - Page 20

243 results found for Landscaping

News from the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

Pampas grass with red/purple plumes CAES News
Pampas plumes
Pampas grass can be a very attractive and functional plant when used correctly in landscapes. Because it grows rapidly into a massive plant, pampas grass is an excellent screening plant for sunny locations. It can also be used as a specimen plant in isolated locations in large lawns.
A honeybee alights on a Cherokee Rose bloom in the University of Georgia Research and Education Garden in Griffin, Ga. CAES News
Rose pruning
Mid February to early March is the best time to prune roses. To achieve a high quality rose bush, you must remove all dead and diseased wood and reduce the remaining canes by at least a third. Following these tips from University of Georgia Cooperative Extension will help you get the job done efficiently and effectively.
A redbud tree (cercis spp.) blooms during springtime on the UGA Griffin Campus CAES News
Buy the best
Now is one of the best times to plant new additions to landscapes. Planting during cooler months gives trees and shrubs a better chance of getting established before the heat of summer hits.
UGA CAES horticulturist Allan Armitage CAES News
"The World is My Garden" series
University of Georgia horticulturist Allan Armitage will speak about gardens around the world in a series of talks set to begin Jan. 24 at the State Botanical Garden of Georgia
Atlanta Mission clients graduate from Super Crew Program CAES News
Returning to the workforce
Finding a job in today’s economy is tough. Being homeless and recovering from an addiction makes it even harder. A new partnership between University of Georgia Cooperative Extension and the Atlanta Mission is helping homeless men at the mission take the next step in returning to society -- getting jobs.
Fall is not the best time to prune most trees and shrubs. It is best to wait until late winter, around February or early March. CAES News
Postpone pruning
As the days get shorter and plants go dormant for winter, many homeowners become anxious to prune their landscapes. For most trees and shrubs, pruning in the fall isn’t the best time.
Althea blooms in the University of Georgia Research and Education Garden in Griffin, Ga. CAES News
Landscape color class
Commercial landscapers, and novices, too, will learn how to add color to landscapes at the All About Color workshop set for Friday, Nov. 11 on the University of Georgia campus in Griffin, Ga.
From bids to equipment
A workshop for professional landscapers is set for Oct. 21 on the University of Georgia campus in Griffin, Ga.
Consider size when adding crape myrtles to your landscape. CAES News
New plant material
As the weather grows cooler most landscape plants begin to go dormant. Fall is an excellent time to install new plant material.
Kudzu bugs hide behind a layer of tree bark in South Georgia. CAES News
Kudzu bug multiplies and spreads
Almost two years ago, a tiny immigrant pest arrived in Georgia, and there’s nothing the state’s immigration office can do to make it leave. The bean plataspid, or kudzu bug, munches on kudzu and soybeans and has now set up residence in four Southern states.