Browse Perennials Stories - Page 5

88 results found for Perennials

News from the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

University of Georgia Fulton County Extension Agent Kisha Faulk answers questions from a resident of the Atlanta Mission during a work day at the mission's garden. CAES News
Community gardening blog
A new online blog has been created to help connect Georgia community gardeners with resources from University of Georgia Extension and The Center for Urban Agriculture.
Georgia's Master Gardener Extension Volunteers were invited to the University of Georgia's campus in Griffin on June 5 for a 35th Anniversary celebration. In true form, the volunteers spent the day learning from UGA experts so they can continue to help educate the public on the latest research-based information. CAES News
Master Gardener Anniversary
For the past 100 years, Georgia gardeners have relied on their local University of Georgia Extension agents for advice on everything from how to treat for Japanese beetles to which tomato variety makes for the best ‘mater sandwich. But answering all of those gardening questions could be a little overwhelming if it weren’t for a group of dedicated trained volunteers.
Planting for Drought Tolerance
While Georgia is not currently experiencing drought conditions, it still makes good environmental sense to select drought-tolerant larger shrubs as the cornerstones of your landscape design.
A crowd browses the Trial Gardens at UGA at an industry open house earlier this summer. The gardens are expected to be in full bloom for the public open house on July 9. CAES News
Plantapalooza 2014
The Trial Gardens at the University of Georgia, the State Botanical Garden of Georgia and the UGA Horticulture Club will team up to host Northeast Georgia’s premier plant sale on April 5.
First-year honey bees from the hive of backyard beekeeper Calvin King of Albany. CAES News
Bee School
The Southwest Georgia Beekeepers Club will hold a bee school on March 29 from 8:30 a.m. until 3 p.m. at the Parks at Chehaw in Albany, Ga.
Jean Williams-Woodward, UGA CAES plant pathologist, examines impatience plant roots for signs of disease in greenhouse, Athens Campus, October 27, 2009. CAES News
Gardening Symposium
University of Georgia plant pathologist Jean Williams-Woodward will be among the experts presenting at The Inspired Gardener symposium set for Feb. 22 at the Atlanta Botanical Garden.
Jim and Barbara Andrews, center with red ribbons, helped to break ground on the Andrews Visitor and Education Center at the Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens at the Historic Bamboo Farm in Savannah on Nov. 24, 2013. 
The center, which was funded with a gift from the Andrews, will serve as center of learning and social activity as the garden undergoes major renovations over the next several years. CAES News
Georgia Coastal Botanical Garden
For 100 years, a 50-acre, bamboo-studded tract of U.S. Highway 17 outside of Savannah has been attracting plant enthusiasts, scientists and day-trippers to the southeast corner of Georgia.
Plant Propagators Meeting
The University of Georgia Department of Horticulture will host hundreds of nursery operators, ornamental plant breeders, landscape designers and plant scientists Nov. 2-6 at the International Plant Propagators’ Society Southern Region of North America Annual Meeting.
Petunias are heat tolerant annuals that require ample moisture and fertility to thrive. Several flower forms and colors are available, including fully double types. The single multiflora varieties are generally best for landscape use. CAES News
Soil for Flowers
Annual flowers can benefit greatly from soil amendments. These plants only live for one season, so gardeners have a very short window of time to get them established to produce flowers.
Butterfly Weed is a native herbaceous perennial that attracts butterflies like magnets with its florescent orange blooms. CAES News
Butterfly garden
There is no more delightful decoration for a flower garden than butterflies fluttering from bloom to bloom.