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News from the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

UGA's Department of Animal and Dairy Science is particularly invested in experiential learning opportunities to encourage workforce readiness among undergraduates, of whom only about 15% come from a traditional agricultural production background. CAES News
Industry Needs
By 2050, the animal and food industry will need to be able to feed a world with a projected population increase of 2.1 billion. With the help of industry and academic experts, University of Georgia researchers identified the most pressing issues for the animal and food industry.
The UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences will hold a virtual convocation ceremony at noon on Friday, Dec. 18, to celebrate new graduates. CAES News
Fall 2020 Convocation
The University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences will hold a virtual convocation ceremony at noon on Friday, Dec. 18, to celebrate new graduates.
A student studies a plant sample under a microscope in the lab. CAES News
CURO Scholars 2020
This fall, the University of Georgia recognized nine undergraduates in its 2020-21 incoming class as CURO Honors Scholars, the university’s top undergraduate research scholarship. Three students in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences were selected for the award.
Julie Borlaug will deliver the 2020 D.W. Brooks Lecture, "Using Innovation and Technology to End Hunger and Poverty," as part of the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences annual faculty awards celebration. CAES News
D.W. Brooks Lecture 2020
Julie Borlaug is continuing the legacy of her late grandfather, agronomist and Nobel laureate Norman E. Borlaug, and inspiring the next generation by advocating for innovation and technology in agricultural production to end world hunger.
UGA Animal and Dairy Science Department Head Francis L. Fluharty (right) and Dengpan Bu, professor of animal nutrition in the Institute of Animal Science of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, met to discuss ideas for collaboration and sign an MOU two years ago. The departments hope to expand the relationship to include undergraduate and graduate student exchanges. (file photo) CAES News
International ADS Partnership
An animal and dairy science class at the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES) is gaining international experience by establishing a virtual collaboration with the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences in the Institute of Animal Science (CAAS-IAS) in Beijing, China. This intercultural partnership allows students and faculty to sustain a joint scientific effort while travel is largely suspended due to COVID-19.
Fescue contains an endophyte — a fungus that lives within the plant — that gives the grass desirable attributes but produces alkaloids that are toxic to animals who graze on it, a defense mechanism meant to prevent overgrazing. Pictured are the slender tubes of the endophytic fungus (Neotyphodium coendophialum) in the intercellular spaces of tall fescue. CAES News
Fescue Toxicity Grant
A $500,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture will allow researchers at the University of Georgia to examine the minutiae of cattle and fescue microbiome interaction to find targets that will help mitigate the effects of fescue toxicosis, a forage-related condition that costs the U.S. beef industry more than $1 billion each year.
UGA's College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences has a fall 2020 undergraduate enrollment of 1,456, and a graduate/professional student enrollment of 624, its highest graduate enrollment to date. CAES News
CAES ranking improves
The University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences has ranked second on the 2021 list of Best Colleges for Agricultural Sciences in America, up one spot from the 2020 ranking.   
Nick T. Place, an academic leader with a record of applying research-based expertise to the needs of agricultural producers and communities, has been named dean of the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences and director of UGA Cooperative Extension and the Agricultural Experiment Stations. CAES News
CAES Dean Named
Nick T. Place, an academic leader with a record of applying research-based expertise to the needs of agricultural producers and communities, has been named dean of the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences and director of UGA Cooperative Extension and Agricultural Experiment Stations.
UGA Extension intern Katie Martin worked with Cartersville Farmers Market Coordinator Regina Shaw at the Cartersville Farmers Market over the summer. CAES News
2020 Extension Interns
As the summer winds down and classes start back up on campus, University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences graduate Katie Martin and senior Morgan Jones reflected on the insights and experience they gained as summer interns with UGA Cooperative Extension.
An increasing number of COVID-19 patients have reported losses of smell and/or taste, prompting the CDC to add it to the growing list of symptoms for COVID-19. The arrow in the photo points to a taste bud (red) with a taste "pore," a channel opening that communicates with the oral cavity. CAES News
COVID-19 Cell Immunity
A new study from the Regenerative Bioscience Center at the University of Georgia is the first to suggest that COVID-19 does not directly damage taste bud cells.