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News from the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

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Lettuce Microbiome
Often referred to as leafy greens, lettuce and other similar vegetables are a common source of foodborne illnesses. The contamination of lettuce with Escherichia coli O157:H7, also known as EcO157, has been a grave concern for decades.
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Taste of Nations
Nestled on what was once a Georgia experiment station, the University of Georgia Griffin campus has evolved since those early days to embrace a multicultural, international community of researchers from all across the globe.
Indian   NA Group Photo (1) CAES News
International Association for Food Protection
Researchers from the University of Georgia’s Center for Food Safety and Department of Food Science and Technology are expanding their global networks to increase the safety of the global food supply in the U.S. and abroad. 
blue light 3 CAES News
Blue Light Tech
Researchers from the University of Georgia Center for Food Safety (CFS) are beginning a new study to investigate the effectiveness of antimicrobial blue light (aBL) technology on reducing foodborne pathogens.
From left, the 2022 UGA-Griffin Classified Employee Award nominees include Clay Bennett of the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Melissa Slaughter of the Center for Food Safety, Darrin Buice of Field Research Services, Ashley Biles of the Assistant Provost and Campus Director’s Office, Brett Byous of the Department of Entomology, Kimberly Allen of the Center for Urban Agriculture, Donna Kent of the Plant Genetics Resources Conservation Unit and Ree Rosser of the Facilities Management Division. CAES News
UGA-Griffin Awards
The University of Georgia Griffin campus recently named Ashley Biles and Clary “Ree” Rosser as the 2022 Classified Employees of the Year at the 33rd Annual Employee Recognition Ceremony.
Hart Dairy FoG grand prize (2) CAES News
2022 Flavor of Georgia Winners
Hart Dairy won the grand prize at the 2022 Flavor of Georgia food contest for their Pasture Raised & Grass Fed 365 Days Per Year Chocolate Whole Milk. Hart Dairy is an ethically driven dairy company based in Waynesboro, Georgia, led by Tim Connell and Richard Watson. Their cows are pasture raised, never confined and grass fed 365 days a year.
Judges tasted and ranked 148 products in the first round of the Flavor of Georgia competition in mid-March. Thirty-two Georgia products were selected to advance to the final round of judging on April 21 at the Classic Center in Athens. CAES News
2022 Flavor of Georgia Finalists
Judges have selected 32 finalists to compete in the second and final round of the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences’ annual Flavor of Georgia Food Product Contest. Narrowed from a field of 148 products, the finalists will compete on April 21 at The Classic Center in Athens with an award ceremony to follow.
Meat and seafood products are prepared for judges to sample during the first round UGA’s Flavor of Georgia Food Product Contest. CAES News
2022 Flavor of Georgia
Blueberry barbecue sauce. Gunpowder finishing salt. Fig bourbon jam. Pecan-peanut butter. These are a few of the unique flavors from every corner of Georgia that have vied for top prizes in past Flavor of Georgia contests. Now registration is open to hopeful contestants for the 2022 Flavor of Georgia contest to be held April 21 in Athens.
kassem lab large (1) CAES News
Antimicrobial Resistance
A gene that causes bacteria to be resistant to one of the world’s most important antibiotics, colistin, has been detected in sewer water in Georgia. The presence of the MCR-9 gene is a major concern for public health because it causes antimicrobial resistance, a problem that the World Health Organization has declared “one of the top 10 global public health threats facing humanity.”
Faith Critzer's expertise in food safety in fresh produce earned her a position on the FAO/WHO joint panel on microbial risk assessment. CAES News
Microbial Risk Assessment
At the University of Georgia, Faith Critzer’s research focuses primarily on food safety in fresh produce, and in particular, mitigation of the pathogens that can cause outbreaks of foodborne illness. Her expertise in this critical area of research earned her a position on the Joint Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and World Health Organization (WHO) Expert Meeting on Microbiological Risk Assessment.