Browse Commercial Plant Disease Stories - Page 3

122 results found for Commercial Plant Disease

News from the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

Georgia's Southern Piedmont grape farmers are finding success with hybrid varieties popularized in Texas wine country, like these Lenoir grapes grown in Haralson County. CAES News
Downy Mildew Disease
Fungicide resistance to downy mildew disease is a growing concern for Georgia grape producers. University of Georgia Extension Fruit Disease Specialist Phil Brannen advises growers to modify their fungicide applications to combat the increasing resistance.
Emran Ali works in the Plant Molecular Diagnostic Lab at UGA-Tifton.

August 30, 2018 CAES News
Plant Molecular Diagnostic Lab
When farmers are fighting a disease that is attacking their crop, time is of the essence. 
Stanley Culpepper looks for cotton plants among pigweed at a plot at the Ponder Farm in Tifton, Georgia. CAES News
Postemergence Herbicides
Using postemergence herbicides to control problematic weeds has been recently successful for Georgia cotton farmers, according to University of Georgia Cooperative Extension weed specialist Stanley Culpepper.
Cook County ANR Agent Tucker Price holds up a watermelon plant infected with gummy stem blight disease. CAES News
Watermelon Research
Georgia watermelon growers who have a targeted, informed disease management plan for gummy stem blight disease could save money and lessen the environmental impact of producing this favorite summertime fruit.
Peanuts growing at the Lang Farm on the UGA Tifton campus in 2017. CAES News
Peanut Rotations
Farmers may have more success growing peanuts if they don’t continuously plant in the same field, according to Scott Tubbs, University of Georgia Tifton campus’s research cropping system agronomist for peanuts.
Exobasidium leaf and fruit spot disease on blueberry. CAES News
Blueberry Disease
The key to managing Exobasidium leaf and fruit spot disease in blueberries, which makes the fruit unmarketable, is one application of lime sulfur approximately two weeks prior to bud break, according to Jonathan Oliver, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension fruit pathologist.
Whiteflies seen on a squash leaf. CAES News
Whitefly Management
University of Georgia entomologists advise farmers to kill crops capable of hosting whiteflies after the crop is harvested a final time. Crops left in the field could continue to serve as hosts.
Watermelons sit in a truck after being harvested on the UGA Tifton campus. CAES News
Watermelon Crop
Georgia farmers had fewer opportunities to effectively harvest watermelons in June thanks to an increase in rain, but disease pressure is what truly led to lower yields in the crop this year, according to University of Georgia Cooperative Extension vegetable horticulturist Tim Coolong.
Abolfazl Hajihassani, the Extension vegetable nematologist on the UGA Tifton campus, recently conducted a survey to gauge the impact of nematodes in vegetable fields in south Georgia. CAES News
Vegetable Nematologist
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension’s newest plant pathologist will focus on improved control of plant-parasitic nematodes, the microscopic, worm-like pests that primarily feed on the roots of Georgia’s vegetable crops.
Jonathan Oliver recently joined the college as a fruit pathologist specializing in blueberries, blackberries, citrus, pomegranates, olives and mayhaws. CAES News
New Fruit Pathologist
Jonathan Oliver’s study of blueberries and his homegrown knowledge of citrus makes the Palatka, Florida, native a valuable addition to the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.