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News from the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

Pine trees toppled over after Hurricane Michael in Wilcox County, Georgia. CAES News
No Relief
Agricultural producers in the region damaged most by Hurricane Michael are struggling to recover from this disaster without additional federal assistance, even as the 2019 spring planting season is now fully underway. A recent survey of Cooperative Extension county agents in Florida and Georgia showed that there is a great deal of continued uncertainty about future production in affected areas.
The Georgia Ag Forecast seminar series will be held Jan. 18-27. University of Georgia agricultural economists will present insights into the latest market and regulatory conditions for the state's largest industry.
Hosted by the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, the 2017 seminar series will be held in Macon, Marietta, Carrollton, Tifton, Bainbridge, Lyons, Waynesboro and Athens. Registration for the series is now open at CAES News
Ag Forecast 2017
The Georgia Ag Forecast seminar series will be held Jan. 18-27. University of Georgia agricultural economists will present insights into the latest market and regulatory conditions for the state’s largest industry.
Michael Rupured headshot CAES News
Loves Teaching Teachers
Michael Rupured, UGA Extension Consumer Economics Specialist and Senior Public Service Associate, has been named the Postsecondary Teacher of the Year by the Georgia Association of Teachers of Family and Consumer Sciences. Rupured was presented the award at the GATFCS annual conference in Savannah earlier this month.
Pictured are dairy cattle on the UGA Tifton Campus. CAES News
Dairy farmer protection
To help Georgia dairymen understand new regulations handed down by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), University of Georgia Extension has scheduled an educational session for Tuesday, Nov. 18, at the McGill Woodruff Agricultural Center in Washington, Ga.