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News from the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

Esther van der Knaap, professor of horticulture, was one of the many UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences researchers who helped the college break its external research funding record in fiscal year 2016. CAES News
Research Funding
Researchers at the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences broke records in fiscal year 2016 with $69 million in external funding to fuel college projects.
As interest in local food continues to grow, more communities across Georgia have started farmers markets, like this one in Roswell. The University of Georgia's helping to meet the demand, too, with a certificate program in local food systems. CAES News
National Farmers Market Week
Fresh tomatoes, fresh okra and heirloom field peas — who doesn’t love a farmers market?
Lesser corn stalk borers are considered one of peanut's most devastating pests. CAES News
Lesser Cornstalk Borers
A lack of rain and cooler weather this summer means more calls for University of Georgia peanut entomologist Mark Abney regarding lesser cornstalk borers.
Tim Grey, UGA weed scientist, speaks during the Plains field day held in 2014. CAES News
Plains Field Day
An upcoming field day on Wednesday, Aug. 10, at the University of Georgia Southwest Georgia Research and Education Center (SWERC) in Plains, Georgia, will showcase cutting-edge agriculture research to farmers, UGA Cooperative Extension county agents and industry personnel.
A field of dryland peanuts in Tift County. CAES News
Dryland Peanuts
Until more rain falls on Georgia’s parched dryland peanut crop, the University of Georgia peanut agronomist Scott Monfort says peanut farmers should stop applying other treatments to their crops.
Watermelons in a pile during harvest on the UGA Tifton Campus. CAES News
Watermelon Production
Low commodity prices for cotton, peanuts and corn have forced Colquitt County, Georgia, farmers to seek other crop options for this year’s growing season.
The newly renovated Tift Building in this May, 2016 photo. CAES News
Tift Building
After a 14-month renovation, the Tift Building on the University of Georgia Tifton Campus is housing faculty and staff. A timely renovation – the campus celebrates its centennial in 2018 – the renovated Tift Building preserves the history of the Tifton Campus while giving the campus’s front doorstep a more vibrant appearance, according to Assistant Dean Joe West.
Downy mildew disease on a watermelon leaf. CAES News
Downy Mildew Disease
University of Georgia plant pathologist Bhabesh Dutta is confident that Georgia watermelon growers will encounter downy mildew at some point during the growing season — it’s just a matter of timing and severity.
Forestry's Economic Impact
Trees are a big business in the South. With more than 209 million acres of timberland spread across the 13-state region and landowners planting more trees every year, the forest products industry supports about 1.2 million jobs.
From left, CAES Congressional Agricultural Fellows Emily Smith, Brandon Poole, Guy Hancock, Jake Parker, Brock Pinson, Malik Grace and Brianna Roberts pose with a UGA flag in front of the U.S. Capitol. CAES News
2016 CAES Congressional Fellows
Seven University of Georgia students have embarked on the opportunity of a lifetime: serving as Congressional Agricultural Fellows in Washington, D.C.