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News from the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

UGA CAES Dean Sam Pardue, center, congratulates CAES alumni Ken Foster, Charlie Broussard, Jaime Hinsdale Foster, Andrea B. Simao, Franklin West, Sarah Dunn and Tamlin Hall during the 65th CAES Alumni Association Awards Banquet on Oct. 4 in Athens, Georgia. CAES News
Alumni Awards
The CAES Alumni Association presented the 2019 awards at the 65th  University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES) Alumni Association Awards banquet on Oct. 4 at the Classic Center in downtown Athens, Georgia.
As the students at UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences start the fall semester, the 2019 CAES Ambassadors are ready to represent the college at college fairs and alumni events and help with logistics at college events. CAES News
2019-20 Ambassadors
Nearly 40 University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Ambassadors are ready to welcome back students, faculty and staff for another school year on both the Athens and Tifton campuses.
More than 60 students gained research experience during the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Young Scholars Program. CAES News
Young Scholars
From using drones to study the health of golf course turf to helping pinpoint disease resistance in wheat DNA, one group of student scientists at the University of Georgia used their summer break to prove that you don’t have to be an adult to produce serious science.
Samuele Lamon and Aaron Bruce were the two most recent graduates of the dual master’s degree program between UGA and the University of Padova. They are pictured with Gurpreet Virk at the UGA-Tifton spring graduation ceremony on May 4, 2019. CAES News
Dual Degrees
American and international students continue to be attracted to the dual master’s degree program in sustainable agriculture offered through a partnership between the University of Georgia Department of Crop and Soil Sciences (CRSS) and the University of Padova (UNIPD) Department of Agronomy, Food, Natural Resources, Animals and Environment (DAFNAE) in Italy.
University of Georgia students Jake Matthews, Morgan Hart, Katelyn Bickett, Reaganne Coile, Alyson Dallas, Cam Shepherd and Ben Parker will spend their summer in Washington D.C. as part of the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Congressional Agricultural Fellows Program. CAES News
Congressional Ag Fellows
Seven University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES) students will call the nation’s capital home this summer while serving as CAES Congressional Agricultural Fellows.
Author and international development expert Robert Paarlberg will deliver the 2018 University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences annual D.W. Brooks Lecture at theCenter for Continuing Education at 3:30 p.m. on Nov. 8. CAES News
D.W. Brooks Lecture and Awards
Author and international development expert Robert Paarlberg has spent years dismantling the oversimplified narratives surrounding global hunger and its remedies.
This year 59 Young Scholars represent more than 35 high schools from across the state spent six weeks working with researchers in the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. CAES News
Young Scholars 2018
Pipette, check. Lab coat, check. A sense of scientific curiosity, double check. It’s not your typical gear list for summer camp, but it covers just what Georgia high school students needed while they participated in this summer’s University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES) Young Scholars Program.
Young Scholars 2017
More than 50 Georgia teenagers spent the better part of their summers working in some of the University of Georgia’s most prestigious research laboratories.
On Nov. 7, 2016 the University of Georgia College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences honored faculty and staff at the D.W. Brooks Lecture and Awards Ceremony. Those honored included; from left front row; Brian Fairchild, Julia Gaskin, JoAnne Norris, Wayne Parrott, Bill Tyson; and from left back row; Peter LaFayette, Carla Barnett, Lindsey Barner, Tim Brenneman, Nick Fuhrman and Ron Walcott. CAES News
D.W. Brooks Lecture and Awards
One in four children will suffer severe developmental issues due to hunger. Although this number may be overwhelming, nothing will change if people continue to ignore the problem.