Browse Center for Urban Agriculture Stories - Page 4

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News from the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

Spalding County was recognized earlier this summer with a 2021 County Excellence Award from Georgia Trend magazine and the Association of County Commissioners of Georgia (ACCG) for the Healthy Life Community Garden (HLCG) project in Griffin, Georgia's Fairmont community. CAES News
Community Garden
Labeled a food desert by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Fairmont community in Griffin, Georgia, has historically had slim options for sourcing fresh, nutritious food nearby. But this desert is becoming an oasis of fresh fruits and vegetables thanks to a group of dedicated agencies and volunteers who have worked hard for nearly 10 years to create a thriving community garden.
UGA Cooperative Extension volunteers contribute thousands of hours of their time and effort to support youth, family and agricultural programming throughout the state every year. CAES News
Volunteer Power
Even in the midst of a global pandemic, volunteers have continued to make a positive impact for Georgians of all ages. Throughout Volunteer Appreciation Week April 19 - 23, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension is honoring thousands of volunteers who have dedicated their time to facilitate 4-H, Master Gardener and Family and Consumer Sciences programming on the county, district and state levels.
Pink Lady apples hang from a tree at the University of Georgia - Mountain Research and Education Center in Blairsville, Ga. CAES News
Arbor Day
Nationally, Americans recognize Arbor Day in April. However, Georgia celebrates Arbor Day on the third Friday of February each year because this is a better time to plant trees, giving roots time to grow before the heat and drought of our summer months.
Bob Westerfield, UGA Extension consumer horticulturist, demonstrates a pruning technique during a class held on the UGA campus in Griffin, Georgia. CAES News
Plant Pruning
To prune or not to prune, that is the question. Pruning is an important part of maintaining plant health and maximizing plant productivity. This is often a topic that brings fear and confusion, but pruning is, in fact, a beneficial and routine task.
Seeds for cultivars like ‘Mr. Lovell’s Wintergreens’ that have been passed down for generations in the north Georgia mountains will now be stored in refrigeration at the UGA Mountain Research and Education Center. (photo contributed by UNG) CAES News
Appalachian Seed Saving
Gold may be rare in the north Georgia mountains, but now the region boasts a seed bank that might be worth just as much to Appalachian natives and local gardening enthusiasts.
A native bee at the UGA Research and Education Garden on the Griffin Campus. CAES News
Pollinator Activities
Across the state, flowers are blooming and the pollinators are out. A pollinator garden can be a great place for your family to explore, especially during stressful times.
Calvin Perry, superintendent of Stripling Irrigation Research Park, examines an irrigation box in this 2014 photo. CAES News
Saving Water
For the past three decades, Alabama, Florida and Georgia have been battling over control of water resources in what has become known as the “tri-state water wars.” Judge Paul Kelly of New Mexico, a Supreme Court-appointed expert known as a “special master,” recently ruled in favor of Georgia in the ongoing Florida vs. Georgia court case.
UGA plant pathologist Alfredo Martinez-Espinoza was recently awarded the D.W. Brooks Award for Excellence in Extension. He is shown (second from right) being congratulated by (left to right) Harald Scherm, head of the UGA Department of Plant Pathology, Laura Perry Johnson, UGA Extension associate dean, and Sam Pardue, dean of the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. CAES News
Martinez-Espinoza Honored
University of Georgia Griffin campus plant pathologist Alfredo Martinez-Espinoza has been awarded the 2019 D.W Brooks Award for Excellence in Extension. The award recognizes his UGA Cooperative Extension and applied research program that focuses on the management of new and recurring diseases of turfgrass, small grains and nonlegume forages and his delivery of relevant information to stakeholders and fellow Extension professionals.
Bob Westerfield, UGA Extension consumer horticulturist, demonstrates a pruning technique during a class held on the UGA campus in Griffin, Georgia. CAES News
Fall Gardening
As summer finally winds down, so do a lot of landscape plants. With a break from the 90-degree heat, it’s time to get ready for winter.
July is Smart Irrigation Month. It's a good time to check home irrigation systems and develop more efficient irrigation habits. CAES News
Smart Irrigation
Landscape irrigation can be tricky, especially in the summer. During the month of July — Smart Irrigation Month — University of Georgia experts have advice on how to use irrigation as efficiently as possible.