Browse Center for Food Safety Stories - Page 4

58 results found for Center for Food Safety

News from the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

From left, the 2022 UGA-Griffin Classified Employee Award nominees include Clay Bennett of the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Melissa Slaughter of the Center for Food Safety, Darrin Buice of Field Research Services, Ashley Biles of the Assistant Provost and Campus Director’s Office, Brett Byous of the Department of Entomology, Kimberly Allen of the Center for Urban Agriculture, Donna Kent of the Plant Genetics Resources Conservation Unit and Ree Rosser of the Facilities Management Division. CAES News
UGA-Griffin Awards
The University of Georgia Griffin campus recently named Ashley Biles and Clary “Ree” Rosser as the 2022 Classified Employees of the Year at the 33rd Annual Employee Recognition Ceremony.
sepia den bakker CAES News
Sepia Software
Researchers from the University of Georgia’s Center for Food Safety have developed software that functions as an important step in improving the accuracy of DNA sequence analysis when testing for microbial contamination.
kassem lab large (1) CAES News
Antimicrobial Resistance
A gene that causes bacteria to be resistant to one of the world’s most important antibiotics, colistin, has been detected in sewer water in Georgia. The presence of the MCR-9 gene is a major concern for public health because it causes antimicrobial resistance, a problem that the World Health Organization has declared “one of the top 10 global public health threats facing humanity.”
Faith Critzer's expertise in food safety in fresh produce earned her a position on the FAO/WHO joint panel on microbial risk assessment. CAES News
Microbial Risk Assessment
At the University of Georgia, Faith Critzer’s research focuses primarily on food safety in fresh produce, and in particular, mitigation of the pathogens that can cause outbreaks of foodborne illness. Her expertise in this critical area of research earned her a position on the Joint Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and World Health Organization (WHO) Expert Meeting on Microbiological Risk Assessment.
Using hypothesis-driven data mining, a UGA research team led by Xiangyu Deng of UGA’s Center for Food Safety analyzed over 30,000 genomes of Salmonella Enteritidis obtained from global sources and the international trade of live poultry over five decades. CAES News
Salmonella Study
Researchers at the University of Georgia have provided multifaceted evidence to suggest the likely origins behind the global spread of Salmonella Enteritidis, which has caused recurring outbreaks of the foodborne pandemic linked to poultry products.
Manpreet Singh has been named head of the Department of Food Science and Technology in the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences after serving as interim department head since September. CAES News
FST Head
Manpreet Singh has been named head of the Department of Food Science and Technology (FST) in the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences after serving as Interim Department Head since September.
Professor Francisco Diez-Gonzalez oversees the UGA Center for Food Safety, which conducts important research to help safeguard the food supply against foodborne microorganisms and their toxins. CAES News
World Food Safety Day
World Food Safety Day is celebrated annually on June 7. When it comes to researching ways to reduce the impact of harmful microorganisms in the food supply, the University of Georgia has an internationally recognized reputation in food safety research, with microbiologists throughout the university examining ways to improve food safety both within the U.S. and globally.  
Critical pesticide application training for pest control professionals and producers will go online for 2020. CAES News
Pesticide trainings stay virtual
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension and the Georgia Department of Agriculture are partnering to offer the Using Pesticides Wisely training program in a virtual format again this year.
A net full of jellyfish is emptied onto the ship as fishermen begin to process the haul. (Photo by Bryan Fluech) CAES News
Jellyfish Product Development
The University of Georgia Department of Food Science and Technology’s Kevin Mis Solval and his team of researchers have secured a nearly half-million dollar grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture National Institute of Food and Agriculture to aid in creating safe food ingredients from cannonball jellyfish.
Produce in a grocery store. CAES News
MCR Genes
Antibiotic resistance – one of the biggest threats to global health, according to the World Health Organization – occurs when germs learn how to defeat the drugs designed to kill them. The problem of resistance threatens the efficacy of antibiotics, making simple infections untreatable.