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News from the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

A person in a white shirt sorts clothes from their wardrobe for donation. CAES News
Cutting Clutter
Everyone’s got one. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. You know, that drawer, closet or room where you stash all the things that need to be out of the way. That counter that is always piled with correspondence, important papers or items saved for later. That cabinet or shed whose contents you may not be 100% sure of. Our society places a premium on what we own, and often our stuff defines us. While it is normal to outfit our homes with décor and sentimental items, sometimes what we have can interfere with how we live.
Radon, an odorless, colorless and tasteless gas, is the second-leading cause of lung cancer in the U.S., but it can be detected and mitigated with the help of local University of Georgia Cooperative Extension offices across the state. CAES News
Radon Poster Contest
Radon, an odorless, colorless and tasteless gas, is the second-leading cause of lung cancer in the U.S., but it can be detected and mitigated with the help of local University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Service offices across the state. Radon comes from the breakdown of uranium in granite and rocky soils, so Georgia’s wealth of granite bedrock increases the chance of household radon for its residents.
European paper wasp on nest. CAES News
Stinging Biting Insects
As autumn approaches and the stifling heat of summer begins to cool down, spending more time outdoors may be on your radar. But, as Georgia is home to many stinging and biting insects, fall fun can turn into a minefield of discomfort. Elmer Gray, a research entomologist with the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences and specialist for UGA Cooperative Extension, shares information on some of the season's most common culprits, urging residents to stay vigilant and take preventive measures.
"Palmetto bug" is a regional term used to describe several species of cockroaches, including the smokybrown cockroach (Periplaneta fuliginosa). CAES News
Roach or Palmetto Bug
It’s summertime, and there are a few things residents of the Deep South can count on this time of year — heat, humidity and insects. Fireflies and cicadas are popular topics these days, but of all the creeping, crawling, buzzing creatures that bug us, one is met with near-universal revulsion — the cockroach. Whether you’re new to the South or a lifelong resident, you’ve likely run into one of the several species of cockroaches that are common in the region.
A seldom recognized and underappreciated benefit of community clean-up programs is the permanent elimination of larval mosquito habitats. Some of the most common mosquito pests around the world develop in the containers, litter, debris and used tires that are commonly collected during a clean-up event. CAES News
Community Mosquito Management
Spring is approaching and now is a great time to schedule a community clean-up event. These events can be organized by citizens, civic groups or local governments and often have a theme or targeted area in a town or community. Clean-up events provide many benefits to a community including raising the awareness of litter prevention, developing pride in our communities and restoring the natural environment.
MicrosoftTeams image (1) CAES News
Indoor Radon Exposure
Uttam Saha, member of the University of Georgia Radon Team and program coordinator of the UGA Agricultural and Environmental Services Laboratories, said that while indoor air has traditionally been the focus of radon testing, another, lesser-understood route of exposure to radon is through household water — primarily when it is supplied by a private well.
The Joro Watch team is pursuing a number of approaches to Joro spider research, looking into their impact on native species — like pollinators and native spiders — habitat, lifecycle and management. To help facilitate more conclusive research, UGA experts ask that the public help gather critical data by monitoring spider populations in the environment. (Photo by Carly Mirabile) CAES News
Joro Watch Initiative
They have been described as palm-sized, parachuting creatures with the potential to spread up the East Coast. Now dozens of webs are appearing in trees, on fences and in gardens around the Southeast, and social media and message boards are buzzing with Joro spider sightings. Discussions of eradication methods ranging from chemical sprays to “Joro sticks” are rampant. Joro season is here.
Many common houseplants and landscape plants are toxic to pets if ingested. If your pet gets ahold of something you think may be poisonous and begins exhibiting concerning symptoms, call your local veterinarian or the ASPCA Poison Control Center at 888-426-4435. CAES News
Toxic Plants
Every pet owner has probably asked their pet “What do you have in your mouth?!” at least once or twice — it’s an essential part of pet ownership. That’s why responsible pet ownership also includes knowing what houseplants or common flowers may be dangerous — or even fatal — to your pets.
Allison Johnson is the new new Pesticide Safety Education Program Coordinator for UGA Cooperative Extension. CAES News
Safety Educator
University of Georgia alumnus Allison Johnson joined UGA Cooperative Extension as the new Pesticide Safety Education Program (PSEP) coordinator on Aug. 1. The public service position is responsible for creating educational resources and training materials to help private and commercial pesticide applicators obtain proper certifications for the safe and effective use of pesticides throughout the state.
Members of the Elite Radon Team install a radon mitigation system at a house in Athens. CAES News
Test home for radon
The leading cause of lung cancer among non-smokers is radon, a naturally occurring, odorless gas that is common to much of Georgia. Radon claims 21,000 lives annually, including around 800 in Georgia.