Browse Weeds, Diseases and Pests Stories - Page 27

482 results found for Weeds, Diseases and Pests

News from the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

This picture shows morning glory weed overtaking a field of corn. CAES News
Morning Glory
Morning glory is a long-standing nuisance weed that wraps around corn plants and chokes farm equipment. One University of Georgia weed scientist is helping corn producers find ways to contain the weed.
Palmer amaranth can reach heights of up to 7-10 feet. UGA Extension weed specialist Eric Prostko encourages farmers to continue to control Palmer amaranth even after their corn is harvested. CAES News
Chemistry Rotation
A University of Georgia professor is advocating that farmers rotate the pesticides they apply to cotton crops in order to prevent another outbreak of the herbicide-resistant weed, Palmer amaranth.
Palmer amaranth can reach heights of up to 7-10 feet. UGA Extension weed specialist Eric Prostko encourages farmers to continue to control Palmer amaranth even after their corn is harvested. CAES News
Palmer Amaranth
Concerns over low cotton prices and high treatment costs have University of Georgia Extension weed scientist Stanley Culpepper fearing Georgia farmers might be tempted to become conservative in their fight against glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth.
When using pesticides, remember that the safe and legal use of pesticides requires that the entire label be followed exactly. Contact your local Extension agent if you're unsure about a product. CAES News
Pesticide Recertification Classes
Pesticides can be helpful in controlling insects and diseases, but there are chemicals that should be handled with care. To educate pesticide users, University of Georgia Extension has planned pesticide safety and handling classes in Albany, Savannah and Perry this February and March.
There were almost 800,000 acres of peanuts grown in Georgia in 2015. CAES News
Peanut Farm Show
The University of Georgia Tifton Campus will become the center for all things peanut for growers and industry personnel on Thursday, Jan. 15, when the UGA Tifton Campus Conference Center hosts the annual Georgia Peanut Farm Show.
Pictured is a tobacco field in Coffee County that was affected by black shank disease. CAES News
Black Shank Disease
April showers washed away chemical treatments and provided moisture for infections in 2014, causing Georgia farmers to lose between 4 and 5 percent of the state’s 12,000-plus tobacco acres to black shank disease.
There were almost 800,000 acres of peanuts grown in Georgia in 2015. CAES News
Peanut Farm Show
The University of Georgia Tifton Campus will become the center for all things peanut for growers and industry personnel on Thursday, Jan. 15, when the UGA Tifton Campus Conference Center hosts the annual Georgia Peanut Farm Show.
Nighttime spraying is recommended by UGA plant pathologists in treating peanuts for white mold disease. CAES News
Nighttime/Early Morning Spraying
A University of Georgia plant pathologist is advocating nighttime and early morning fungicide application as an option to combat white mold disease, a perennially devastating disease for Georgia peanut farmers.
Lesser corn stalk borers are considered one of peanut's most devastating pests. CAES News
Lesser Corn Stalk Borer
The lesser corn stalk borer, an insect University of Georgia Extension entomologists call the most devastating pest facing Georgia peanut farmers, produced scary results in the state’s dry-land crop this year. A repeat performance in 2015 could loom if another drought persists.
Four University of Georgia Extension agents worked together to present Green University, a training for professionals in the green industry. The agents were (top, l-r) Keith Mickler, Rolando Orellana, (bottom, l-r) Mary Carol Sheffield and Paul Pugliese. CAES News
Green University
Four University of Georgia Extension agents have been collectively awarded this year’s Urban Agriculture Education Award from the Georgia Urban Ag Council, a statewide association for professionals involved in all sectors of the urban agriculture industry.