News Stories - Page 183

News from the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

Hydrangea paniculata varieties, like 'Chantilly Lace' and 'Pink Winky', have both sterile and fertile flowers and attract a lot of bees, butterflies and other pollinators. CAES News
Pollinator Census
The bees and other pollinators that fuel Georgia agriculture are crucial to the state’s economy, but no one really knows how many there are. In honor of National Honey Day, August 18, UGA Cooperative Extension is announcing an ambitious plan to gauge the size and effect of the state’s pollinator population.
Bobby Goss, a FoodPIC research technician, tells the faculty about UGA chocolate research. CAES News
New Faculty Tour
New faculty at the University of Georgia learned why agriculture continues to be the state's biggest economic driver and how UGA leads the way in helping Georgians sustain and improve commodities like peanuts, poultry, pecans and turfgrass.
The Georgia Structural Pest Control Training Facility is located on the University of Georgia's campus in Griffin, Georgia. The facility was built to train and educate pest management professionals, regulatory inspectors and Cooperative Extension personnel on the biology and management of pests in the home, business and school environments. CAES News
Pests in Schools
Georgia has strict regulations and rules when it comes to managing pests at schools. The University of Georgia Structural Pest Management Program (SPM) offers a biannual workshop on integrated pest management (IPM) for pest control operators who have school contracts in Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina and Tennessee. The program will host the fall 2018 School IPM Workshop on Thursday, Aug. 23.
On August 11, 2018, peanut producers, UGA Extension agents, UGA Peanut Team specialists and industry supporters were honored at the Peanut Achievement Club meeting. CAES News
Peanut Achievement Club
Fifteen of Georgia’s top peanut producers were honored this weekend at the annual Georgia Peanut Achievement Club meeting on Jekyll Island, Georgia. The meeting recognizes Georgia’s highest-yielding peanut growers every year.
Aspiring grape grower Rachel Crow and wine science aficionado Joe Adams examine grape vines at Stonepile Vineyards in Clarkesville, Georgia, during the inaugural UGA Cooperative Extension Viticulture Team Vineyard Tour. CAES News
Vineyard Tour
Georgia’s wine grape harvest will be a bit behind schedule, but the grapes look good and should produce quality wine.
At 75, Frank Williams is retired from his position as the groundskeeper for the University of Georgia Coastal Georgia Botanical Garden at the Historic Bamboo Farm in Savannah, Georgia. But he still works there three days a week and he hasn't slowed down a bit. CAES News
Williams Honored
After more than 30 years, Frank Williams has retired from his position as the groundskeeper for the University of Georgia Coastal Georgia Botanical Garden (CGBG) at the Historic Bamboo Farm, but he still works there three days a week. Even at 75, he hasn’t slowed down.
Millipedes are often called “thousand-legged worms.” They don't carry diseases that affect people, animals or plants, but some species are capable of secreting chemicals that can irritate the skin and eyes and cause allergic reactions. CAES News
Creepy Crawlers
Millipedes and centipedes often come indoors and strike fear in homeowners. Millipedes aren’t poisonous, but some species can secrete chemicals that can irritate the skin and eyes and cause allergic reactions. Centipedes seldom bite, but their jaws contain poison glands.
Greg Fonsah (left), University of Georgia Tifton campus professor, will lead Auxence Muhigwa Akonkwa, a Fellow visiting UGA-Tifton from the Democratic Republic of Congo, in banana research. Akonkwa is taking part in Fonsah's research through the Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders program. CAES News
Mandela Fellowship
Auxence Muhigwa Akonkwa, a Fellow from the Democratic Republic of Congo in central Africa, will visit the University of Georgia Tifton campus through the Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders program.
Sophia Rodriguez of Liberty County is among the 50 Georgia 4-H members who were awarded first place in their category during State 4-H Congress held July 24-27. Rodriguez competed in the health category. CAES News
Master 4-H'ers
Competing against their peers across the state, fifty Georgia 4-H members ultimately earned the coveted title of “Master 4-H’er” at the annual Georgia 4-H State Congress, held July 24-27 at the Crowne Plaza Ravinia in Atlanta.
Mosquitoes feed on sugar water in Mark Brown's endocrinology lab on UGA's Athens campus. CAES News
Mosquito Season
Georgians only face a few more weeks of mosquito season, but the state’s residents need to stay vigilant to keep mosquito populations in check.