News Stories - Page 250

News from the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

Heifer International
Heifer International is well-known around the world for helping connect small-holder farmers with livestock to lift families and entire communities out of severe poverty.
A platter of dark and white meat turkey. CAES News
Guidelines for Leftovers
For many families, the prospect of turkey sandwiches and turkey soup after Thanksgiving is almost as exciting as the big meal itself.
UGA Regents Professor Andrew Paterson is leading an international team working toward sustainable intensification of sorghum production. CAES News
Drought Tolerant Sorghum
When University of Georgia plant geneticist Andrew Paterson began searching for lines of sorghum that might survive in some of the most parched places in the world, he didn’t plant trials in the desert.
A team of food industry experts and grocery buyers selected 33 products to compete in the final round of the University of Georgia's 2019 Flavor of Georgia Food Product Contest. CAES News
Flavor of Georgia 2017
Whether it's a specialty sweet treat, small-batch pork sausage or pimento cheese made from Grandma's secret recipe, the University of Georgia's Flavor of Georgia Food Product Contest shines the spotlight on the state's craft food scene.
Pictured is a pond with low water on the UGA Tifton Campus at the Lang-Rigdon Farm, due to the drought.
Date: Nov. 9, 2016 CAES News
Georgia Drought
Georgia farmers are experiencing one of the worst droughts in recent memory, and University of Georgia climatologist Pam Knox cautions there could be a potential repeat next year.
Pictured is a rain simulator used by UGA scientists on the UGA Tifton Campus. CAES News
Rain Simulator
A simulated rain research project coordinated by two University of Georgia scientists is aimed at enhancing and improving vegetable production.
As of Nov. 1, almost 75 percent of Georgia has been designated as having abnormally dry or drought conditions, according to the U.S. Drought Monitor. Image credit: USDA Drought Monitor. CAES News
October Drought
After five months of above-normal temperatures and dry conditions, almost 75 percent of Georgia is now experiencing some level of drought or abnormally dry conditions.
On Nov. 7, 2016 the University of Georgia College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences honored faculty and staff at the D.W. Brooks Lecture and Awards Ceremony. Those honored included; from left front row; Brian Fairchild, Julia Gaskin, JoAnne Norris, Wayne Parrott, Bill Tyson; and from left back row; Peter LaFayette, Carla Barnett, Lindsey Barner, Tim Brenneman, Nick Fuhrman and Ron Walcott. CAES News
D.W. Brooks Lecture and Awards
One in four children will suffer severe developmental issues due to hunger. Although this number may be overwhelming, nothing will change if people continue to ignore the problem.
UGA weed scientist Stanley Culpepper speaks during the Sunbelt Field Day in 2015. He is among the scheduled presenters during this year's field day on July 25, 2019. CAES News
Extension Award
World-renowned researcher Stanley Culpepper, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension weed scientist on the UGA Tifton Campus, will receive the 2016 regional Excellence in Extension Award from the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU).
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension experts say washing hands after petting animals at fairs and festivals is a must. Petting zoos and farms can be a source of E. coli transmission. Reduce your risk of becoming ill by visiting hand-washing stations immediately and thoroughly washing your hands. CAES News
Clean Hands
It is the time of year for visiting pumpkin patches, fall festivals and Christmas tree farms. Many of these venues have petting zoos and sell food products – a combination that is a potential health risk if proper hand washing isn’t included.