News Stories - Page 275

News from the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

Samples of Blanc du Bois wine grapes from Trillium Vineyards. CAES News
Georgia Wine
Georgia wines may not have the same cachet as California chardonnays or French Burgundies, but they’re earning new accolades each year thanks to a community of dedicated grape growers and little help from University of Georgia Cooperative Extension.
A group of UGA students and farmers at the Northeast Georgia Beef Cattle Short Course on Feb. 10, 2016. CAES News
Beef Short Course
From an economic forecast to cattle genetics, researchers and University of Georgia Cooperative Extension specialists from the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences provided a broad update on the latest beef cattle information this month to more than 100 beef cattle producers and UGA Extension agents at the university’s fifth annual Northeast Georgia Beef Cattle Short Course.
A farmer drives a tractor to prepare a field for planting peanuts. CAES News
Planning Ahead
Georgia’s cotton and peanut farmers are not expected to plant seeds for another two months, but they should be tending to maintenance issues now, according to Scott Monfort, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension peanut agronomist.
Homemade fruit roll-ups can easily be made a home with the help of a food dehydrator or oven. CAES News
Homemade Fruit Roll-Ups
If winter weather is keeping your family indoors, use the time to make and enjoy homemade fruit roll-ups. Using a food dehydrator and directions from University of Georgia Cooperative Extension, you can make some simple fruit roll-up snacks that are lower in sugar than those that are commercially produced.
Energy Saving Tips
No matter what kind of heating and cooling system you have, you can save money and increase your comfort. With extreme temperatures come high energy bills, but you'd be surprised how easy it is to decrease energy consumption. Start by following these tips from University of Georgia Cooperative Extension.
Members of Stanley Culpepper's team conducts a trial that is comparing methyl bromide to Paladin Pic, Trifecta, and the UGA 3-WAY. CAES News
Drift Complaints
Complaints over off-target movement of chemical applications went down 48 percent from 2014 to 2015, but Georgia farmers must better understand the factors that influence drift, according to University of Georgia weed scientist Stanley Culpepper.
UGA AGL participants Stan Deal, Ashley Buford, Lanie Riner, Shane Boyer and Jeff Jordan visit with Georgia State Sen. Frank Gin, of Danielsville, Georgia.(Photo by Lauren Griffeth) CAES News
AGL at the Capital
Midway through Georgia’s legislative session there’s a buzz around the Georgia State Capitol in downtown Atlanta. Crowds of lawmakers, engaged citizens and lobbyists come in from across the state to help conduct the state’s business each day, and this week they were joined by 25 up-and-coming leaders in the agriculture and forestry industries.
Georgia Organics Conference
University of Georgia horticulturist David Knauft will be among the organic agriculture experts presenting at the 2016 Georgia Organics Conference set for Feb. 26-27 in Columbus, Georgia.
Pictured is a dry land peanut field in east Tift County on Tuesday, Sept. 9, 2014. CAES News
Peanut Planting
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension peanut agronomist Scott Monfort insists that poor peanut plant stands in Georgia may not necessarily be due to seed quality.
Here is a picture of a  peach tree orchard. CAES News
Peach Pest Management
University of Georgia plant pathologist Phil Brannen is concerned that Georgia peach growers can’t tell the difference between phony peach disease and weevil or nematode damage. A consequence could be that farmers unnecessarily destroy trees and potential fruit.