News Stories - Page 313

News from the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

Earthworms burrow through a compost pile in Butts County, Ga. CAES News
Compost Waste
Resolve to live more sustainably in 2015 by creating a compost pile or bin to help reduce household waste.
Beau Lamb tosses a watermelon into a truck, as Robert Ames writes down its weight while working at the UGA Tifton Campus. The two student workers work for vegetable horticulturist Tim Coolong. CAES News
Watermelon Variety Testing
Research by the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences could help Georgia’s watermelon growers produce sweeter results.
Borlaug Fellows
As part of the Norman E. Borlaug International Agricultural Science and Technology Fellowship Program, two visiting researchers are working to ensure the safety the peanut crop in Africa with the help of the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.
Dead mouse killed by poison pellets CAES News
Rodent Patrol

As the seasons shift and people spend more time indoors, so do rodents. A University of Georgia wildlife specialist says, with a little forethought, you can rid your home of those uninvited winter guests.

There were almost 800,000 acres of peanuts grown in Georgia in 2015. CAES News
Ag Forecast: Peanuts
University of Georgia agricultural experts will give a forecast of agriculture in the coming year at a series of events set across the state in January. The new year looks bright for Georgia livestock producers, but not for many row crop farmers.
Office of Global Programs
As the faculty and students of the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences look back on 2014, one thing that may stand out is the number of days they spent traveling.
Michael Dirr, professor emeritus of horticulture at the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, was recently inducted into the National Academy of Inventors. CAES News
Academic Inventors
The National Academy of Inventors has inducted Michael Dirr, professor emeritus of horticulture in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, into the 2014 class of NAI Fellows.
Technology gifts are on the top of many Christmas lists. If your child received one this holiday, University of Georgia Extension specialists say to review the apps on the device and police any new ones downloaded to the device to ensure that they are appropriate for children. CAES News
A few tips on how to get the most educational value out of your tablet
So your 4-year-old got a touchscreen tablet as a gift Now what? A UGA human development specialist says the introduction of touchscreen tablets into the marketplace represented a technological “game changer” for kids.
Pictured is George Vellidis in one of his introductory precision ag classes from previous years on the UGA Tifton Campus. CAES News
Specialized Academic Courses
The addition of specialized agriscience and environmental systems courses — precision agriculture, sustainable agriculture and plant breeding/genetics — is expected to bolster already strong academic programs at the University of Georgia Athens and Tifton campuses.
Camden Lowrance, right, is pictured with his father during Lowrence's visit to Greece. CAES News
Graduate Student Studies Overseas
Studying overseas was an eye-opening experience for University of Georgia graduate student Camden Lowrance. Six months in Greece allowed Lowrance to work on his master’s thesis and to prove that he could more than survive — he could excel at his work — in a foreign country.