News Stories - Page 326

News from the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

A yellow squash matures on the vine of a squash plant growing in Butts County, Georgia. CAES News
Donate produce
Are you buried in vegetables from your overabundant garden harvest? It can happen. University of Georgia experts encourage home gardeners to donate their extra vegetables to the needy.
July 2014 Monthly departure from normal precipitation. CAES News
July Weather Update
A small area of drought returned to Georgia at the end of last month, following a record-setting dry July in Alma. A record low maximum temperature of 80 degrees F was reported in Brunswick on July 12 and a record high temperature of 97 degrees was recorded there, too, on July 3.
Revised Walk Georgia Logo 2014 CAES News
Revamped Walk Georgia
Are you willing to help combat obesity in Georgia? University of Georgia Extension needs interested Georgians to test the new Walk Georgia website by registering for the program and logging physical activity online.
Squash vine borer larvae live inside the plant stem. One method of control is to physically cut open the stem and remove the tiny pest. First, create a slit parallel to the stem veins. Begin the slit at the frass-covered hole at the base of the plant and continue toward the tip of the vine until the borer is found and removed. Once the borer has been removed, cover the slit portion of the stem with soil and water it to encourage rooting. CAES News
Gardeners' enemy
Backyard squash growers may not agree on which variety is best, but they do agree on one thing – squash vine borers are the enemy.
Southern corn rust appeared at least two weeks early in 2014 (5 June) than it did in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 or 2013. Appearing earlier means that this disease will likely be more problematic than in recent years. Corn that is approaching (or has passed) the tassel growth stage is worth protecting if the yield potential is there, according to UGA Extension agent Shane Curry. CAES News
Southern Corn Rust
Southern corn rust struck Georgia's corn crop two weeks earlier this season and has spread across the Coastal Plain, says a University of Georgia plant pathologist. If not treated quickly, the annual disease can stunt plants and reduce yields.
A redbud tree (cercis spp.) blooms during springtime on the UGA Griffin Campus CAES News
Tree care class
Tree care, from diseases to selection, will be the focus of an upcoming University of Georgia symposium set for Aug. 21 at the DeKalb County Extension office in Decatur.
4-H Emblem CAES News
2014 State 4-H Congress
Forty-eight Georgia 4-H’ers earned the coveted title of Master 4-H’er last week at the 72nd annual 4-H State Congress held July 22-25 at the Crowne Plaza Ravinia in Atlanta.
Tomato plant with tomatoes in various stages of ripeness CAES News
Homegrown tomatoes
Bob Westerfield spends his days growing vegetables and watching for problems. As University of Georgia Extension’s consumer vegetable horticulturist, he answers questions from backyard gardeners and Extension agents across the state. In the summer months, most of the questions are about tomatoes.
A small Satsuma orange is shown on a plant on a private farm in Lowndes County. CAES News
Satsuma Oranges
A popular citrus crop commonly grown by homeowners has become a highly sought after commodity for some south Georgia farmers. And one University of Georgia Extension agent believes Satsuma oranges will soon be a valuable crop.
Georgia 4-H Associate State Leader Craven Hudson CAES News
New 4-H Leader
The son of a former Extension home demonstration agent, Craven Hudson grew up in 4-H. Now he’s set to help lead Georgia’s 4-H program as its new associate state leader.