News Stories - Page 371

News from the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

After a nationwide search, the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences has named Kathleen (Kay) D. Kelsey head of the college's Department of Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communication. CAES News
New leader appointed
After a nationwide search, the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences has named Kathleen (Kay) D. Kelsey head of the college’s Department of Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communication.
Barbara Petit, Georgia Organics, tallies up her scores during the 2011 Flavor of Georgia Food Product Contest. CAES News
Flavor of Georgia Showcase
Finalists from the 2013 Flavor of Georgia Food Product Contest and past Flavor of Georgia contests will be at the Buford Highway Farmers Market this weekend.
This year, why not skip the Mother's Day bouquet, and make mom a living collection of flowers and plants that may last for years? Matthew Chappell, a UGA Extension horticulturist, has several tips for creating the perfect, one-pot container garden. CAES News
Mother's Day gifts
Every year Americans spend about $2 billion dollars on fresh flowers for Mother’s Day. While fresh flowers are gorgeous, they have a short shelf life — often less than 10 days after purchase.
The bermudagrass stem maggot is having a major impact on forage production. CAES News
Bermudagrass stem maggot
A new invasive pest is having a major impact on bermudagrass hay production in south Georgia.
Holly Young, who graduated with a degree in agricultural communications, recently won first place in the oral presentations section of  the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Undergraduate Research Symposium. Her project, which she began before graduation, was to identify the genetic diversity in Exobasidium, a species of fungus that attacks blueberries. CAES News
Undergraduate research
More than 30 undergraduate students in the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences competed in the third annual CAES Undergraduate Research Symposium on Thursday, April 17.
Kudzu bug CAES News
Kudzu bug control
Kudzu bugs have awakened from their winter slumber and can be found alighting on just about anything white or light-colored, from small cars to large trucks and homes to commercial buildings. University of Georgia experts say controlling this new pest isn’t as easy as spraying a pesticide.
Pesticide treatment key for crops
Pests such as thrips, whiteflies, aphids, beet armyworm and hornworms can devastate vegetable crops.
Pesticide use is critical in controlling pests like thrips, whiteflies, aphids and beet armyworms. CAES News
Pesticides for crops
Pests such as thrips, whiteflies, aphids, beet armyworm and hornworms can devastate vegetable crops.
Metro-Atlanta students will soon have an exclusive, behind-the-scenes look at one of the hottest, most popular foods on the market today — pizza. CAES News
Farm-to-table pizza experience
Metro-Atlanta students will soon have an exclusive, behind-the-scenes look at one of the hottest, most popular foods on the market today — pizza.
A variety of tomatoes for sale at the Buford Highway Farmers Market in Atlanta. CAES News
Tomato tips
Whether or not you are trying to grow tomatoes for the first time, or this is your 30th season, here are some tips to follow from the University of Georgia Cooperative Extension to make sure your harvest is plentiful.