News Stories - Page 380

News from the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

Camellias add both green shrubby and color to landscapes with their leaves and blooms. CAES News
New plants
Fall and winter are the best times for Georgians to add new trees, shrubs and bushes to their landscapes.
In this file photo, an array of pesticides are lined on the shelves of a Griffin, Ga., feed and seed store. CAES News
Georgia Clean Day
If you have old pesticides collecting dust in your garage, bring them to Georgia Clean Day. Clean day allows farmers and homeowners to legally dispose of old pesticides or pesticides that are no longer labeled for use.
Student working at UGA's organic demonstration farm at the Durham Horticulture Farm, at 1221 Hog Mountain Road in Watkinsville. CAES News
Sustainable ag workshops
Wondering how to start a successful, small-herd cattle operation? Want to learn how to defeat the hornworms that attacked your tomatoes last year? Or are you worried about finding customers for this year’s bumper crop of cucumbers?
The USDA recently honored Associate Professor Maria Navarro with the department's New Teacher Award, part of the National Awards Program for Excellence in College and University Teaching in Food and Agricultural Sciences. CAES News
USDA Teaching Award
Students taking Maria Navarro’s classes are likely to come away with more than just knowledge of international agriculture. They tend to have a new concern about the health and wellbeing of the world’s population.
UGA Extension offices distribute radon test kits. CAES News
National Radon Action Month
University of Georgia experts are available to provide commentary during Radon Action Month, which is designated by the Environmental Protection Agency in January.
The bark of a black walnut tree CAES News
Money trees?
From time to time national news services pick up articles about someone who sold one walnut tree for thousands of dollars. This may stimulate the imagination of those who have large walnut trees in their landscape. These articles usually fail to mention that the tree was near a high quality hardwood veneer operation and had many burls that produce the most valuable veneer. The tree owner probably also guaranteed that there was no metal in the tree. No one living in Georgia can replicate this scenario.
2013 Climate Adaptation Exchange
The 2013 Climate Adaptation Exchange, a one-day workshop, will bring together experts from the University of Georgia, the University of Florida, and Auburn, Clemson, Florida State and Florida Agricultural and Mechanical universities.
Farm pond in Coweta County on December 11, 2012 (courtesy C. McGehee, National Weather Service) CAES News
Warm December
Georgia experienced a much warmer than usual December. Temperatures were three to six degrees above normal across the state. Rainfall totals ranged from over eight inches in the northern regions of the state to less than an inch along the coast.
Soil moisture conditions in the southern half of the state are generally at the fifth percentile, meaning the soils at the end of May would be wetter 95 out of 100 years. CAES News
Stop erosion
It is estimated that 25 billion tons of soil are lost every year due to erosion. With it taking 500 years to replace just one inch of top soil, any thing that helps to prevent erosion will benefit future generations.
A garden hoe lies in a pile of fresh compost. CAES News
Winter gardening chores
Gardeners who chose not to grow cool season crops may be getting restless as temperatures drop and the growing season comes to an end. Well, a gardener’s work is never done. Here are a few garden chores that can be accomplished over the next few months.