Browse Health and Family Stories - Page 29

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News from the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

The Food and Drug Administration proposed several changes to the 20 year old Nutrition Facts label on Feb. 27. UGA nutrition experts and researchers believe that the proposed changes, which have not been finalized, will help Georgians make more informed food choices. CAES News
Hidden Calories
Have you ever accepted that second slice of pie because it was “low carb” or “fat free”?
Routines for Kids
Once the school year starts, developing and keeping a consistent schedule is vital to children’s health and well-being, says Diane Bales, a child development specialist with University of Georgia Cooperative Extension.
Bullying is no longer solely an in-person issue. The problem has moved online, and it has University of Georgia Cooperative Extension 4-H Youth Development specialist Cheryl Varnadoe concerned, given the start of the new school year is just a few weeks away.
5-year-old Parks Powell plays an educational game on his parents' iPad. CAES News
Kids and Tablets
Tablets have become commonplace in today’s classrooms, even as early as preschool or kindergarten. If used appropriately, these touchscreen devices can enhance instruction, according to a UGA Cooperative Extension specialist.
High-calorie drinks lined up in refrigerator. June 2009. CAES News
Healthy Lunch
Are you worried about packing a healthy lunch for your kids this school year? If so, you are not alone; lots of parents struggle to provide nutritious foods that their kids will actually enjoy eating every day for lunch.
Lyndon Waller, left, a DeKalb Mobile Farmers Market program assistant, and Rickeia Stewart, a UGA Extension administrative assistant in DeKalb County, are part of the team helping to bring fresh vegetables to underserved communities in DeKalb County. CAES News
Metro Mobile Markets
Summer isn’t quite the same without fresh corn, beans, okra and tomatoes, but many Georgians don’t have easy access to the state’s bounty of produce.
Agricultural Education
On a typical Friday morning in the middle of the semester, Abigail Borron's students aren't in class. They're out working in food pantries across north Georgia, helping to give a face to food insecurity.
Unlike many blueberry plants, Blue Suede holds on to its foilage throughout the year.  It is brightly colored in the fall and green in the winter. CAES News
Edible Landscaping
The key to creating a visually appealing edible landscape is the artful combination of annuals and perennials. Most edible plants can act as substitutes for annual plants, but there are some options that can substitute for shrubs, vines and small trees.
Georgia 4-H plans several camps throughout the year especially for military youth. A military youth camper is shown practicing rock climbing at Camp Wahsega near Dahlonega, Georgia. CAES News
Military Kid Camps
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension is offering a variety of summer camps geared specifically toward military youths. These camps are part of UGA Extension’s Military Outreach program and are offered at little to no cost to dependents of U.S. military members between the ages of 14 and 18.
The 2014 UGA Radon Education Program Poster Contest first place entry. CAES News
Homebuyers Beware
You found a house that fits most, or maybe even all, of your requirements. Now it’s time to hire a home inspector to ensure the house is structurally sound and safe. Although this is not a required step in the homebuying process in Georgia, it is one that is highly recommended.