Browse Food Security Stories

28 results found for Food Security

News from the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

In developing markets where making staple foods is a daily task and warmer climates where food spoilage is common, foods that have more longevity and are easily preserved can enhance economic opportunities by reducing food preparation tasks and lower environmental impact. CAES News
Fighting Food Waste
“Use by,” “Sell by” and “Best by” dates on food packaging can be helpful indicators of how long a consumer can store a food item before eating, but often these dates lead to high quantities of wasted food. About one-fifth of food produced for human consumption is discarded before it can be eaten, equating to 1 billion meals a day and contributing to global food insecurity.
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Food law
The career world is wide open for students at the University of Georgia, a life lesson third-year student Emily Harris learned as a food science major in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. Harris plans to attend the UGA School of Law to pursue a degree in food regulation and law this fall, a unique path she discovered through classes in the Department of Food Science and Technology.
University of Georgia student Nallely Lepiz-Madrigal, from Americus, Georgia, has been selected as one of six delegates to represent the United States at Bayer’s 5th bi-annual Youth Ag Summit. CAES News
Bayer Youth Ag Summit
University of Georgia student, Nallely Lepiz-Madrigal, from Americus, Georgia, has been selected as one of six delegates to represent the United States at Bayer’s 5th bi-annual Youth Ag Summit on November 16-17.
Healthier Together hosted a community-wide planting day at Richland Community Garden in Richland, Georgia, southeast of Columbus. CAES News
Healthier Together
Obesity affects millions of Americans and increases the risk of stroke, Type 2 diabetes, heart disease and other causes of premature death. The percentage of U.S. adults with obesity has risen steadily from 13.4% in the early 1960s to the current average of more than 42%.
Produce in a grocery store. CAES News
MCR Genes
Antibiotic resistance – one of the biggest threats to global health, according to the World Health Organization – occurs when germs learn how to defeat the drugs designed to kill them. The problem of resistance threatens the efficacy of antibiotics, making simple infections untreatable.
Fulton County Extension staff and volunteers prepare to distribute produce bags through curbside pickup at a Fulton Fresh mobile market stop in Atlanta. (Photo by Molly Woo) CAES News
Mobile Markets 2020
Mobile farmers markets are rolling again in metro Atlanta. Throughout the summer, Fulton Fresh and Fresh on DeK will continue serving fresh produce and delivering nutrition education to communities through curbside pickups and digital content.
With limited to no in-person contact with customers during the COVID-19 pandemic, for many growers, expanding online capabilities is crucial to business continuity. Join Georgia Grown and UGA Extension on June 17 for an e-commerce workshop featuring experts from the UGA Small Business Development Center. CAES News
SBDC Marketing Webinar
The University of Georgia is partnering with the Georgia Department of Agriculture to present a free digital marketing webinar for agribusiness owners looking for alternate ways to sell their products.
Everything on the website, Daily Food Plan, Food Tracker, Food Planner, etc., as well as all MyPyramid materials, such as the MyPyramid for Pregnancy and Breastfeeding, etc.) was developed by a team of nutritionists, dietitians, economists, and policy experts at USDA, based on expert nutrition recommendations for Americans 2 years and older from the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. CAES News
Non-perishable Food
Making fewer trips to the grocery store during the COVID-19 emergency means that personal food supplies need to last longer. If you are at a loss for what items to stock up on, use MyPlate,, as a guide to help you and add some of these non-perishable (unrefrigerated) food items to your “shelter in” diet.
D.W. Brooks Award of Excellence winners Marc van Iersel, Vincent J. Dooley Professor of Horticulture; Lori Purcell Bledsoe, Georgia 4-H program development coordinator for Northeast Georgia; and Alfredo Martinez-Espinoza, professor of plant pathology, are congratulated by CAES Dean and Director Sam Pardue. CAES News
D.W. Brooks Lecture
The students and faculty of the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences came together Nov. 12 to celebrate the progress that agriculture has made in the past 50 years and the promise of innovations to come.
UGA Extension in DeKalb County and the DeKalb County Board of the Health use a revamped prisoner transport bus to provide fresh produce to its underserved communities. CAES News
Metro Markets
When the summer heats up in metro Atlanta, it’s time for the staff of metro Atlanta University of Georgia Cooperative Extension offices take to the streets, spreading the word about healthy eating and delivering access to fresh, healthy produce.