Browse Flowers Stories - Page 4

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News from the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

ColorMax comes in 10 colors and a mix. 'Icy Blue,' (shown) 'Popcorn' and 'Lemon Splash' are must-have plants for cool-season landscapes. The plants reach 6 to 8 inches tall with a spread of about 10 inches. ColorMax violas are very cold-tolerant and transplant to the garden with ease. CAES News
ColorMax Violas
Make no mistake about it, if you have ever felt like a viola couldn’t dazzle like a pansy, then you haven’t tried ColorMax. ColorMax is a relatively new series of viola that comes to us from Sakata Seed and has completely shocked me with its flower power. It really is color to the max with these violas.
Snaptastic, a new series coming from Syngenta, is considered medium in height, reaching 14 to 16 inches. Snaptastic Orange Flame snapdragon brings a fiery color to the cool season landscape. CAES News
"Snaptastic" Snapdragons
These new snapdragons aren’t just fantastic, they’re simply “Snaptastic.” Snaptastic, a new series coming from Syngenta, is considered medium in height, reaching 14 to 16 inches. They fill a void that’s been longed for in the market.
'Candy Corn' cuphea works well with other hummingbird plants, like firebush and 'Gold Star' esperanza. CAES News
'Candy Corn'
Many of you will hand out treats like candy corn this Halloween. I’d like to suggest some ‘Candy Corn’ for the garden that will add an incredible array of color and texture and will be beautiful in your landscape. While the ‘Candy Corn’ cuphea won’t satisfy your sweet tooth, it does offer a tasty treat for pollinators, like hummingbirds and butterflies.
The flower stalks of the soap aloe plant can grow to be 24 to 36 inches tall. CAES News
Soap Aloe
Soap aloe is one of those plants that stirs up a passion in gardeners and plant aficionados across the country. Known as Aloe maculate, you would swear it is from Mexico at first glance, but it’s actually from South Africa, more than 9,000 miles away.
'NuMex Easter' ornamental peppers won the All-America Selections award for its outstanding performance. CAES News
New Mexico Peppers
‘NuMex Easter’ peppers are small, compact plants that reach up to 12 inches tall and as wide, but they load up with more colorful peppers than you would ever imagine for that size of a plant. They make great border plants for the traditional landscape and will dazzle in herb or tropical gardens.
'Picante Salmon' salvia provides a rare color to the garden and looks incredible with blue evolvulus. CAES News
Scarlet Sage
New colors and varieties of scarlet sage will ensure a dazzling landscape or a sizzling mixed container for the whole gardening season. The Saucy series, ‘Saucy Wine’ and ‘Saucy Red,’ have both found fame in the Southern Living Plant Collection. ‘Saucy Coral’ has one of the rarest colors in the gardening world.
Cool Wave Lemon Surprise and Cool Wave Pin It petunias start to tumble against a backdrop of traditional taller purple pansies. CAES News
Cool Wave Pansies
During the summer, we think of flowers like petunias as those fragrant, spilling or tumbling flowers cascading over the rims of baskets and mixed containers. That same show of incredible color coupled with tantalizing fragrance can be achieved during the cool season with pansies like those of the Cool Wave series.
To make a drilled wood nest, drill a 3- to 5-inch hole in untreated wood without going all the way through the wood. Then, drill a variety of hole diameters, from one-quarter of an inch to three-eighths of an inch, all approximately three-quarters of an inch apart. Holes that are smaller in diameter should be 3 to 4 inches deep, and holes more than one-fourth of an inch in diameter should be 4 to 5 inches deep. CAES News
Honeyless Bees
Adding native bee nesting sites to your garden is one of the easiest ways to increase pollinator numbers. Native bees are more effective pollinators than honeybees for many reasons.
The luna moth is native to a wide area of the eastern half of the United States. Oddly, the adults do not eat. They live about a week and their sole purpose is to mate. CAES News
Stunning Moths
When it comes to insects, butterflies and bees get all the press, but there are many moths that deserve some attention. The scarlet-bodied wasp moth is one favorite, followed by the luna moth and the clearwing humminghird moth.
A silver-spotted skipper perches atop a rudbeckia triloba. The brown-centered coned-flowers have petals of yellow-orange that are produced in abundance from late summer into fall. Some references suggest it's biennial, or a short-lived perennial, while others call it a perennial that reseeds. CAES News
Brown-eyed Susan
It’s been 20 years since the Georgia Gold Medal program gave its prestigious award to one of the most persevering native perennials of all time, the Rudbeckia triloba. It is quite remarkable that a plant with no dazzling name other than the "three-lobed rudbeckia" or "brown-eyed Susan" staked a place not only in fame but also in the marketplace.