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News from the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

Hydrangea paniculata varieties, like 'Chantilly Lace' and 'Pink Winky', have both sterile and fertile flowers and attract a lot of bees, butterflies and other pollinators. CAES News
Panicle Hydrangeas
Everyone who visits the Coastal Georgia Botanical Garden at the Historic Bamboo Farm in Savannah loves the hydrangea paniculatas. Plant them against a backdrop of deep green garden foliage or combine them with cottage garden plants like rudbeckias. Bees, butterflies, wasps and giant flies will be drawn to ‘Chantilly Lace’ or ‘Pinky Winky.' 
The shady, woodland garden at the Macon Museum of Arts and Sciences. CAES News
Native Plant Garden
The Native Plant Garden at the Museum of Arts and Sciences in Macon, Georgia, once thrived on the campus of Wesleyan College. A group of University of Georgia volunteers relocated it so that visitors to the museum can learn about native plants.
As the cup plant grows, it develops large, square stems that give the impression they are piercing the center of the large leaves. There are actually two leaves without petioles that are attached to the stem, forming a perfect cup with which to collect rainwater for bees and birds. CAES News
Cup Plant
When it comes to backyard wildlife, the cup plant does it all. To me, it is like the flag-bearing perennial for bees, butterflies and birds. It is a stalwart and is native in 34 states, from Louisiana, north to Canada and sweeping across all states east. Its size makes it seem like it is the composite, or aster, that ate New York. It is big, bold and wonderful, and this is the time of the year it shines the most.
Unlike its shorter cousins, Uproar Rose zinnia will provide a bounty of blossoms all summer. They are large dahlia-like blooms borne on 30-inch stems. And, they also show a good level of powdery mildew resistance when spaced as recommended. CAES News
Uproar Zinnias
It’s been eight years, and ‘Uproar Rose’ is still causing an uproar in the gardening world. One of the best zinnias to ever hit the market, ‘Uproar Rose’ is the one to give you bouquets for the vase and living arrangements in the landscape.
'Prairie Sun' produces flowers that are 5-inches wide. The large disk, or eye, of 'Prairie Sun' is green and generates glances from passing visitors. CAES News
'Prairie Sun'
Fourteen years ago, ‘Prairie Sun,’ one of the most striking gloriosa daisies ever, was chosen as an All-America Selections award winner. This followed on the heels of ‘Indian Summer,’ another outstanding selection, and might have garnered all the love and attention it deserved. Thanks to progressive greenhouse growers and a new generation of landscape color professionals, this outstanding Rudbeckia hirta is generating a lot of dazzle in both commercial and homeowners’ landscapes. 
In the landscape, 'Purple Haze' scaevola works well with white pentas and pink 'Telstar' dianthus. In this photo, it makes a stunning partner for lavender SunPatiens and 'Gold Mound' duranta. CAES News
Stunning scaevola
Twenty years ago, something odd happened in the plant world. In 1997, a new plant called “‘New Wonder’ scaevola” won the Georgia Gold Medal Plant, Mississippi Medallion and Louisiana Select awards. That trifecta was indeed quite rare. This little plant from Australia captured the imagination of the green industry with its fan-shaped flowers and rugged, persevering performance.
The 'Oakhurst' pineapple lily sports burgundy blushes. CAES News
Pineapple Lily
With blooms that resemble a pineapple, the tropical-looking pineapple lily partners well with canna lilies, bananas and upright elephant ears. It also looks at home with ornamental grasses swaying in the breeze, partnered with drifts of flowers.
Blood lily flowers are comprised of large, 6-inch umbels, or softball-sized globes, borne on stalks about 12 to 18 inches tall. Each sphere has dozens of red florets with yellow stamens. This creates one of the showiest floral displays in the plant world. CAES News
Blood Lily
The African blood lily is known botanically as Scadoxus multiflorus. It is in the Amaryllis family and is indeed native to South Africa. A lot of literature suggests it is perennial only for zones 9 to 11, but it is not hard to find long-term trials where it survives in zone 7b with great winter drainage.
'Gold Doubloon' in bloom. CAES News
'Gold Doubloon'
If you have been fascinated by the idea of finding a gold doubloon, I’ve got one for you, and it is of a stunning gardenia variety. The ‘Gold Doubloon’ — or “double” as the word suggests — gardenia gives you dazzling color with gold and green foliage and large, tantalizingly aromatic flowers.
Paloverde trees in bloom at the National Butterfly Center in Mission, Texas. CAES News
Mexican paloverde
The paloverde trees at the Coastal Botanical Gardens are completely covered in blossoms. The flowers have five yellow petals, but one petal has a honey gland and turns an orange-red, giving the blooms a distinctive bicolored look. The flowers are swarming with pollinators of all types.