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News from the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

University of Georgia alumna Kirsten Allen was named a 2023 Quad Fellow, making her one of 100 international applicants in the fellowship’s inaugural cohort. CAES News
Quad Fellow
University of Georgia alumna Kirsten Allen was named a 2023 Quad Fellow, making her one of 100 international applicants in the fellowship’s inaugural cohort. The Quad Fellowship is a scholarship supporting interdisciplinary innovation in science and technology by connecting graduate students from the four Quad countries: Australia, India, Japan and the United States.
web Sanchez 0054 CAES News
International Research Scholars
Each year, hundreds of international researchers — from master’s degree students to academic faculty — apply to come to the University of Georgia to work in a wide range of academic fields. In the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, dozens of international research scholars are working with faculty on important research that furthers the mission of the college while benefiting visiting scholars and their home institutions.
Urtnasan "Uugii" Ganbaatar and UGA Professor Mohamed Mergoum attended the the annual Norman E. Borlaug International Symposium, sponsored by the World Food Prize Foundation. A Borlaug Fellow, Ganbaatar spent three months working with Mergoum to perform research and gain knowledge using advanced genetic technologies for wheat breeding. CAES News
Borlaug Fellow
For Borlaug Fellow Urtnasan “Uugii” Ganbaatar, the opportunity to work with University of Georgia wheat breeder and geneticist Mohamed Mergoum is opening up a world of growth. With her colleagues at the Institute of Plant and Agricultural Sciences, part of the Mongolian University of Life Sciences, Ganbaatar wants to implement the advanced breeding techniques used at UGA to improve her country's dominant crop.
2022 Marie Fort Garden Club Scholarship CAES News
Marie Fort Garden Club scholarship
Srijana Thapa Magar was named the 2022 recipient of the Marie Fort Garden Club Scholarship, presented annually to a student in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences at the University of Georgia Griffin campus. Thapa Magar, a doctoral candidate in the Department of Horticulture at UGA-Griffin, was thrilled to receive the award, which she said will help further her academic and career goals.
samuele CAES News
2022-25 FFAR Fellow
Samuele Lamon, a doctoral student in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences at the University of Georgia, has been selected for the 2022-25 cohort of the Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research Fellows program.
Robin Buell, GRA Eminent Scholar Chair in Crop Genomics, works in a plant growth chamber. Buell received nearly $800,000 in funding to study the genome of tepary bean in an effort to address climate-related difficulties faces in production of common bean. CAES News
Bean Genes
The common bean — which includes many varieties of dry beans, from navy and black beans to red, pinto and green beans — are an important nutritional source for many world populations. However, rapidly changing climate conditions are making them increasingly difficult to grow in many locations due to high temperatures and susceptibility to diseases and pests.
Clockwise from left, four UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences students — Therese “Tess” Thompson, Lydia Griffin, James “Thomas” Maddox and Kirsten Flinn — were selected as Ratcliffe Scholars in 2021-22, and each has participated in life-changing immersive learning experiences. CAES News
Ratcliffe Scholars
In a world filled with screens and devices, the world is virtually at our fingertips each second of every day. It is easy to look at pictures and videos of places you would like to visit, watch live streaming of events happening around the globe, connect with other cultures or perspectives in a chat box, or even learn a new skill by simply donning a pair of virtual reality goggles. But one method of learning remains unmatched in educational quality — hands-on, experiential learning.
The University of Georgia’s 2022 Boren Scholars include, front row, Sydney Buchanan and Natalie Navarrete and, back row, Moriah Thomas, Leah Whitmoyer and Neely McCommons. Not pictured are Robert Fox, Lauren Harvey and Dana Newman. (Photo by Stephanie Schupska) CAES News
Boren Awards
With a record number of eight undergraduates selected as Boren Scholars this spring, the University of Georgia ranks third in the nation on the list of top-performing institutions for Boren Scholarships for 2022. These students will receive funding to study critical languages abroad in exchange for a year of federal service.
Using added inorganic fertilizer may not be worth the financial risk for smallholder maize farmers on rain-fed farms in sub-Saharan Africa, such as this small maize farm in Tanzania. CAES News
Return on Investment
Using fertilizer to increase crop yields in sub-Saharan Africa may seem like a logical choice, but farmers in rain-fed areas must also weigh the potential for low rainfall or excess heat during the growing season.
andrew macelroy CAES News
Cultivating Connections
On the green roof garden of the University of Georgia Geography-Geology Building, Amy Sidran harvested kale and kohlrabi, scattered cover crop seeds and peppered green roof manager and graduate student Andrew MacElroy with questions about the uses of the space and how it is integrated with learning.