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News from the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

Resized Allison holds up a leaf of Saccharina latissima or sugar kelp amidst a dense population of wild seaweed in Plougeurneau France. Allison joined in on this field work in which a PhD student studying red seaweed was collecting data CAES News
Revolutionizing seaweed
When you hear the word agriculture, seaweed might not be the first thing that comes to mind. But Allison Fortner, a University of Georgia doctoral student pursuing a degree in the Department of Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communication, is doing her part to help raise the profile of this important marine species.
George Vellidis, a professor in the department of crop and soil sciences and University Professor, reviews surface water runoff data with students at the UGA Tifton campus. (Photo by Andrew Davis Tucker/UGA) CAES News
Integrative Precision Agriculture Institute
The University of Georgia is leveraging faculty expertise and strengthening industry ties through a new Institute for Integrative Precision Agriculture whose research and outreach will help sustainably feed a growing global population.
Università Sassari (1) CAES News
UGA-Sassari Partnership
A partnership between the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences and the Department of Agriculture at the University of Sassari in Italy is yielding more efficient studies in animal breeding and providing international students with a more extensive network of research capabilities.
Mark Jaronski, deputy commissioner for tourism with the Georgia Department of Economic Development, delivered the keynote at the inaugural Georgia Hospitality and Tourism Summit on May 2. CAES News
HOST Summit
More than 100 University of Georgia faculty, staff, students and external stakeholders involved in the hospitality and tourism industry gathered May 2 for the inaugural Georgia Hospitality and Tourism Summit organized by the UGA HOST Research Initiative.
Indian   NA Group Photo (1) CAES News
International Association for Food Protection
Researchers from the University of Georgia’s Center for Food Safety and Department of Food Science and Technology are expanding their global networks to increase the safety of the global food supply in the U.S. and abroad. 
Ibrahima Diedhiou of the University of Thies in Senegal talks to Peanut Innovation Lab Director Dave Hoisington. Diedhiou studies how wild shrubs in the arid Sahel region of Western Africa may improve crop yields and remediate degraded soils. Now – with the support of the Peanut Innovation Lab – he’s testing how the shrubs work in Senegalese farmers’ peanut fields. (Photo by Allison Floyd) CAES News
Peanut Innovation Lab
The University of Georgia’s College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences helps smallholder farmers feed the world through a partnership with the U.S. Agency for International Development. The Peanut Innovation Lab — technically, the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Peanut — is a five-year, $14 million program funded through an agreement between USAID and UGA.
Header image for 2022 CleanTech Symposium CAES News
Cleantech Symposium
On April 20, the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, the UGA Office of Sustainability, the Consulate General of Switzerland and the Swiss Business Hub in Atlanta will host the 2022 Cleantech Symposium to pose a critical question, “Can Tech Save the World?”
Rice-fish demonstration site farmer in the Kebbi state of northeastern Nigeria explaining to community farmers how the rice-fish systems works, its benefits and challenges. In the photos are local rice farmers, students, and researchers from UGA and the University of Ibadan in Lagos, Nigeria. CAES News
Fish and Rice
A program led by University of Georgia agriculture researchers is helping Nigerian rice farmers diversify food production through aquaculture systems that integrate raising native catfish in rice fields.
On agriculture Twitter, it’s not unusual to see @PrecAgEngineer tweeting about all things agriculture tech. From the latest field data collection to his daughter’s first attendance at a professional conference, Virk believes there is value in helping the public understand the role agriculture takes in our daily lives. CAES News
Precision Ag Researcher of the Year
Asked what his day looks like on a regular basis, Simer Virk laughed out loud. “There are no average days in research and Extension work — every day is different and every season is different,” said Virk, an assistant professor and University of Georgia Cooperative Extension precision agriculture specialist in UGA's Department of Crop and Soil Sciences.
Pierre Diatta is a PhD student at the University of Georgia, working with researchers to on a project to understand the challenges that discourage young people in his home country of Senegal from farming. CAES News
Student Profile: Pierre Diatta
Pierre Diatta is working on a PhD at the University of Georgia and helping a team of researchers understand the barriers that prevent young people from going into agriculture in his home country. The research is funded by the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Peanut and spearheaded by agricultural economists Brad Mills of Virginia Tech and Genti Kostandini of UGA.