News Stories - Page 214

News from the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

Of the three Sombrero varieties planted last spring, which were all good performers, 'Granada Gold' took the cake. The flawless golden flowers bloomed profusely with a beautiful floral presentation and lasted longer than the other two. CAES News
Classic City Awards
Summer’s end often means that spring’s colorful annuals have started to fade, but the end of Georgia’s growing season also means it’s time to debut the University of Georgia Trial Gardens’ annual Classic City Award winners. These awards represent plants that thrived during the punishing conditions of a Georgia summer.
A vendor installs a soil moisture probe in a cotton field assisted by Jeremy Kichler, Colquitt County Extension Coordinator. CAES News
Irrigation Outreach
As part of an irrigation efficiency study by University of Georgia Cooperative Extension, a 29-person team of social scientists, agricultural economists, climatologists, agricultural engineers and UGA Extension agents from the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences is studying agricultural irrigation in order to increase the water-use efficiency in row crops common to southern Georgia.
Radium Springs Elementary School Nutrition Manager Theresa Tomblin helps students install plants in the 2016 fall garden at the Albany, Georgia, school. Tomblin is the school's garden liaison and works closely with Dougherty County Extension Coordinator James Morgan. CAES News
School Gardens
School gardens are gaining momentum because they help teachers meet science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics (STEAM) education requirements, according to Becky Griffin, community and school garden coordinator for University of Georgia Cooperative Extension.
Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue met with a group of select Georgia 4-H'ers on Friday, Oct. 6, in recognition of National 4-H Week, held Oct. 2-6. Perdue is shown being greeted by Pulaski County 4-H member Cooper Hardy. The secretary and the students toured the 4-H exhibits at the Georgia National Fair in Perry, Georgia, the former Georgia governor's hometown. He also heard presentations from three Georgia 4-H'ers: Amelia Day of Houston County, Angel Austin of Ben Hill County and Evie Woodward of Coffee County. CAES News
Perdue Visit
Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue met with a group of select Georgia 4-H’ers on Friday, Oct. 6, in recognition of National 4-H Week, held Oct. 2-6. Perdue and the students toured the 4-H exhibits at the Georgia National Fair in Perry, Georgia, the former Georgia governor’s hometown. He also heard presentations from three Georgia 4-H’ers: Amelia Day of Houston County, Angel Austin of Ben Hill County and Evie Woodward of Coffee County.
Sandbags work to keep the sea at bay in Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina. University of Georgia scientist Craig Landry says there are places along the coast that are so at risk of eroding that they are pushed to embrace a "phased retreat."  Tourists could stop coming because of beach erosion and homeowners would sell because they can't afford insurance, or they are worried about losing their investment, he said. CAES News
Coastal Study
University of Georgia natural resource economist Craig Landry will use his portion of a $1.5 million grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to study how the economy and the environment are affected when humans and coastal regions commingle. The four-year project is a team effort with researchers from Colorado, North Carolina and Ohio.
Deer are beautiful creatures, but seeing them dining on your landscape plants quickly makes their beauty fade. CAES News
Deer Habitat
While there is no hard-and-fast method to determining the exact number of deer in a county or state, current population estimates are coming in at just over 1 million animals. Ultimately, the habitat quality in a particular area limits the number of deer hunters may see.
National 2017 4-H Youth in Action Citizenship winner Amelia Day is a recent high school graduate from Fort Valley, Georgia. As a Georgia 4-H member, she created Operation: Veteran Smiles, a project that provides care packages to veterans in Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) hospitals. CAES News
4-H Week
Six million students across America participate in 4-H and, of those, more than 170,000 call Georgia home. To raise awareness of the state’s largest youth development organization, the week of Oct. 1-7 has been declared National 4-H Week.
'NuMex Easter' ornamental peppers won the All-America Selections award for its outstanding performance. CAES News
New Mexico Peppers
‘NuMex Easter’ peppers are small, compact plants that reach up to 12 inches tall and as wide, but they load up with more colorful peppers than you would ever imagine for that size of a plant. They make great border plants for the traditional landscape and will dazzle in herb or tropical gardens.
After an initial meeting with Rosalynn Carter and representatives from the National Park Service, the Master Gardeners began redesigning the butterfly garden on the Carter Compound in Plains, Georgia. CAES News
Presidential Garden
Earlier this spring, representatives for former first lady Rosalynn Carter sought help from the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. UGA Cooperative Extension’s Master Gardener Extension Volunteers, who are trained to help UGA Extension staff deliver research-based information about gardening and related topics to the public, began work on the project.
Cucurbit leaf crumple virus, a disease carried by whiteflies, infects vegetable plants like squash (pictured). CAES News
Whitefly management
Summer may have ended, but Georgia’s silverleaf whitefly infestation has not.