News Stories - Page 286

News from the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

This picture shows the inside of the UGA CAES building at the Sunbelt Expo. CAES News
Sunbelt Ag Expo
The University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences’ outreach at the Sunbelt Agricultural Expo and the presence of university, college and UGA Cooperative Extension leaders at the event highlighted Georgia's importance, and UGA's role, in regional and national agriculture.
A sod pallet sets on a sod farm in Ft. Valley, Ga. CAES News
Sod Field Day
Georgia turfgrass producers and industry leaders will gather Wednesday, Oct. 28 in Ft. Valley, Georgia for the annual Georgia Sod & Turf Producers Field Day.
Conks, fibrous but sometimes fleshy fruiting bodies of a wood-rotting fungus, grow on a tree CAES News
Tree Decay
Wood-rotting organisms can slowly nibble away at tree trunks and buttress roots. Many trees that topple look perfectly healthy before they fall. Afterward, it becomes clear that there were absolutely no structural roots remaining for support.
UGA President Jere Morehead poses for a picture with Georgia Farmer of the Year James Lyles and wife, Tara, during Tuesday's Farmer of the Year luncheon. Also pictured are Josef Broder, interim dean of the UGA CAES, and Laura Perry Johnson, associate dean for Extension. CAES News
Expo Visit
The Sunbelt Agricultural Expo opened its doors on Tuesday, Oct. 20, to University of Georgia President Jere Morehead, who was one of the event’s first visitors.
J. Scott Angle, dean and director, UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. CAES News
Ag Honors
J. Scott Angle, former dean and director of the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, received the Earl Douglas Harris Memorial AGHON Award from AGHON at UGA. Angle, who now serves as president and CEO of the International Fertilizer Development Center, is one of only a few to be given the award in the past 30 years.
University of Georgia food scientists had participants in a recent workshop taste three brands of worcestershire sauce to demonstrate how one food item can taste different from different manufacturers. Participants in the class were considering or have developed a new food product for the retail market. CAES News
Food Workshop
Potential new food product developers from across the state learned the process of creating, packaging and launching a new food product at the University of Georgia’s New Food Business Workshop, held Oct. 6-7 on the university’s Griffin Campus.
Begonia Baby Wing® 'Bicolor' – PanAmerican Seed CAES News
Classic City Awards
Every summer, the staff of the Trial Gardens at the University of Georgia raises hundreds of varieties of new ornamentals, and the best of the best of those plants become Classic City Award winners.
Christen Jackson, a USDA SNAP-Ed educator with UGA Extension in DeKalb County, prepares a healthy pasta dish as part of a nutrition demonstration at the DeKalb County Mobile Market. CAES News
DeKalb Mobile Market
For residents in some metro Atlanta neighborhoods, it can be impossible to find fresh produce because the closest well-stocked supermarket is geographically out of reach.
UGA entomologist Ashfaq Sial inspects a blueberry bush for damage. CAES News
Spotted Wing Drosophila
A tiny fly is having a huge impact on American fruit farmers. Known as spotted wing drosophila, the insect is costing famers more than $700 million a year in lost produce and prevention costs.
Local and state leaders and staff from the Tifton-Tift County Chamber of Commerce join University of Georgia researcher Craig Kvien as he officially cuts the ribbon of the Future Farmstead site. The net zero home/research facility is located on the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences' campus in Tifton. CAES News
Future Farmstead
The Future Farmstead, a model home for energy-efficient housing, was on display Wednesday, Oct. 14, as part of a dedication ceremony on the University of Georgia Tifton Campus.