News Stories - Page 290

News from the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

Ag Jobs
Students who study agriculture-related technology and agribusiness can expect to bring in the highest starting salaries among their cohort, according to the most recent agricultural salary study performed by Iowa State University.
Pictured is white mold disease on peanuts at a UGA research farm in Tifton, Georgia. CAES News
White Mold
White mold disease has always been a problem for Georgia peanut farmers, according to University of Georgia plant pathologist Tim Brenneman. The disease has been even more of a nuisance due to the hot and humid weather conditions this growing season.
August Climate
Precipitation across Georgia for the month of August 2015 varied widely, from more than 10 inches near the coast and in north-central Georgia to less than 2 inches in the southwest corner of the state. A few isolated areas received more than 15 inches during the month, according to Community Collaborative Rain, Hail and Snow Network (CoCoRaHS) observers. 
University of Georgia Extension peanut agronomist Scott Monfort speaks during UGA's annual Cotton and Peanut Field Day, held Wednesday, Sept. 9. CAES News
Peanut Update
A week before Georgia’s annual Peanut Tour, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension peanut agronomist Scott Monfort is optimistic about the state’s peanut crop.
Since joining the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences in 2014, sensory scientist Koushik Adhikari has led consumer panels on roasted peanuts, Vidalia onions, steak and dog food. CAES News
Sensory Science
A University of Georgia food scientist is turning to a logical source for input on which foods consumers like and which they don’t like. His research involves recruiting people from all walks of life to come into his laboratory in Griffin, Georgia, and taste food.
Lew K. Hunnicutt, an administrator who oversees two campuses of Frank Phillips College in Texas, will take over as assistant provost and campus director at the University of Georgia's Griffin Campus on Nov. 1. CAES News
Griffin Campus Director
Lew K. Hunnicutt, an administrator who oversees two campuses of Frank Phillips College in Texas, has been named assistant provost and campus director at the University of Georgia’s Griffin campus.
Dekalb County Extension Agent Leonard Anderson and Stephens County Extension Agent Susan Yearwood judge a poster presentation during the 2015 Georgia meeting of Epsilon Sigma Phi. Epsilon Sigma Phi is a national professional organization for those working in the Cooperative Extension System. CAES News
Extension Awards
University of Georgia and Fort Valley State University Cooperative Extension agents gathered in Athens, Georgia, last week to recognize the work of their colleagues’ achievements at the annual Georgia meeting of Epsilon Sigma Phi (ESP), a professional organization for those working in Extension.
John Beasley, a former professor at the UGA Tifton Campus, talks to a student during a showCAES@UGAsoutheast event. This year's southeast event will be held Oct. 4 in Statesboro. CAES News
ShowCAES Event
The deadline to preregister for the University of Georgia Southwest showCAES recruiting event is this Friday, Sept. 11.
Hay bales outline a field in Butts County, Georgia. CAES News
Hay Contest
Hay doesn’t always get the respect it deserves. You won’t find it featured in any “farm-to-table” magazine spreads or highlighted in a “Got hay?” marketing campaign. Good hay’s not flashy, but without it, great steaks and cheese would be impossible.
Broilers in a poultry house. CAES News
Avian Influenza
Avian influenza can’t make humans sick, but it has driven the cost of eggs up and will result in consumers paying more for their holiday turkeys.