News Stories - Page 292

News from the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

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Flavor of Georgia
From cheeses to chutneys, craft chocolate to chorizo, the annual Flavor of Georgia Food Product Contest—hosted by the University of Georgia Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development—celebrates Georgians’ creativity and craftsmanship by highlighting the best value-added products in the state.
Sub-surface drip irrigation gets implemented in a field at Stripling Irrigation Research Park in Camilla, Georgia. CAES News
Sub-Surface Drip Irrigation
Drip irrigation systems have long helped Georgia vegetable farmers grow high yielding crops. Sub-surface drip irrigation can help some Georgia peanut farmers water their crops more efficiently, according to a University of Georgia Cooperative Extension expert. And, it won’t interfere with peanut digging equipment.
Franklin West and Steve Stice. CAES News
Newcastle Resistant Poultry
Poultry disease is an international issue, especially when there is an outbreak close to home. However, it’s a particularly costly problem in developing countries.
John Beasley, a former professor at the UGA Tifton Campus, talks to a student during a showCAES@UGAsoutheast event. This year's southeast event will be held Oct. 4 in Statesboro. CAES News
Southwest ShowCAES
Students desiring to attend the University of Georgia or those interested in learning more about the UGA Tifton Campus are invited to attend Southwest ShowCAES 2015, a recruiting event on Tuesday, Sept. 15, at the Tifton Campus Conference Center.
Dylan Gravitt (left) won first place with a 140-pound watermelon and his brother, Jacob Gravitt, won second place with his 136-pound watermelon. The brothers are residents of Turner County. CAES News
4-H Watermelons
Two Turner County brothers made Georgia 4-H history this summer by growing the largest watermelons in the Georgia 4-H Watermelon Growing Contest.
University of Georgia food science students have been awarded first place by the DuPont Company for their creation of a new breakfast muffin. The muffin does not contain bread. Instead, it's made of quinoa, ham and eggs and is similar to quiche. CAES News
Quiche-like Sandwich
University of Georgia food science students have created a bread-free, microwavable breakfast sandwich that, if marketed, would fill a need for consumers on low-carbohydrate or gluten-free diets. Either way, the new food idea won them a national award and $10,000 to share.
Soybeans grow on a plant at a UGA lab in Athens. Soybean farmers will soon have a smart phone app to help know when to irrigate their crop. CAES News
Late-Planted Soybeans
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension agronomist Jared Whitaker is researching ultra-late-planted soybeans, a potential solution for low soybean yields and even lower corn prices.
Morgan County 4-H'ers Natalie Ross, Nick Lewan and Aamiyah Jordan consult UGA Extension Family and Consumer Sciences Agent Leigh Anne Aaron about a recipe during the Morgan County Kids Can Cook camp held this summer. CAES News
Food Safety and Fun
Will the next star chef come from the line at a five-star fusion restaurant in Chicago, a trendy food truck in east Atlanta or maybe, just maybe, from a Georgia 4-H club in Morgan or Oconee County, Georgia?
The pond on the University of Georgia Westbrook Research Farm off Ellis Road in Griffin, Ga. CAES News
Pond Management
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension will present a pond management workshop on Tuesday, Sept. 1, from 6-9 p.m. at the Cherokee County Bluffs business center in Canton, Georgia. UGA Extension aquaculturist Gary Burtle will lead the class, which will cover water quality and testing, lime-treating and fertilizing a pond, weed identification and control, and population assessment and management.
Teila and Walter Driggers gather collard greens on their farm in Collins, Georgia. As a farm wife, Teila helps her husband grow and sell their crops. An up-coming workshop for farm women is designed for for women just like Teila. CAES News
Farm Women Workshops
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension will present two three-day workshops through Annie’s Project, a national education program, specifically geared toward women in farming.