News Stories - Page 444

News from the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

Georgia Ag Hall of Fame 2010 winners Tal DuVal and Gene Ragan CAES News
DuVall, Ragan honored
Tal DuVall and Gene Ragan, two pioneers in Georgia agriculture, were inducted into the Georgia Agricultural Hall of Fame during a ceremony in Athens, Ga., Sept. 17. The hall of fame is a program of the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.
Players from Russell Middle School in Barrow County and Kings Bridge Middle School in Jackson County wrestle for the ball on a hot fall afternoon. CAES News
Fluids important during hot fall sports practices
Fall is here, and sports are in high gear. But the Georgia summer heat won’t let up. With temperatures still climbing into the 90s, it’s important to keep athletes safe during workouts.
Tobacco farmer Fred Wetherington checks the moisture level of tobacco in his barn in Valdosta, Ga. CAES News
Viral villains
If a disease outbreak in a field could be considered a crime scene, then the “CSI” lab for such viral suspects is on the University of Georgia campus in Tifton, Ga., where samples collected from the scene are sent and tested. The culprits are always identified.
Georgia drought speads
Mild to moderate drought conditions have expanded over the past month to include much of west and south Georgia. With temperatures remaining above normal and rainfall below normal, soils continue to dry across the entire state.
A bean plataspid crawls on the side of a home in northeast Georgia. CAES News
Kudzu bug multiplies and spreads
Just shy of a year from when it was first spotted in northeast Georgia, the insect now commonly called the “kudzu bug” continues to mystify homeowners and agricultural researchers.
UGA students Ben Fleetwood, Steven Barrett, Michael W. Cerny, Peter Dempsey, Andrew Raessler, Jeffrey Michael, Brittany Romig and Clay Waters won third place in an international sustainability design competition. The contest is sponsored by the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers. Pictured are: (L-R) Ben Fleetwood, Brittany Romig, Tom Lawrence (UGA engineering professor and the team's advisor), and Clay Waters. CAES News
UGA students win with design
A University of Georgia senior engineering group placed third in a recent international competition for the sustainable design it developed for a hospital in Orlando, Fla.
UGA Cooperative Extension coordinators Forrest Connelly (Stephens County), left, and Bob Waldorf (Banks County) sort certificates before handing them out to Master Goat Farmer participates. CAES News
Goat meat demand increasing in Georgia
A boom in demand and an economic need to diversify has many Georgians looking to produce goat meat. To meet the informational need, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension recently graduated its first ever class of Master Goat Farmers.
Summer nights
This past summer was one of the warmest on record for Georgia. It wasn’t that the daytime high temperatures were that unusual; it was the warm nighttime temperatures that set records.
Child peeling banana. Spring 2010 CAES News
Childhood Obesity
In the last three decades, the number of obese American adults has more than doubled. The number of children with the condition has more than tripled. According to official federal numbers, two-thirds of the nation's adults are either overweight or obese. One in every three children is.
Students register for 2009 UGA Tifton Southwest District Recruitment Event at the UGA Tifton Campus Conference Center. CAES News
Student recruitment
University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences’ students train for careers in food, plant or animal industries, and they get to work directly with the world-renowned scientists who teach them.