News Stories - Page 440

News from the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

A garden hoe lies in a pile of fresh compost. CAES News
Gardener gifts
Newspapers are filled with holiday ads. Wrapping paper and decorations line department store shelves. The holiday will soon be here. If your gift-giving list includes a gardener, take some advice from a few of Georgia’s most experienced gardeners.
Commercial landscaping course
Commercial landscapers who want to know more about landscape management should take a class offered Dec. 3 on the University of Georgia campus in Griffin, Ga.
Healthy holiday meals
Food during the holidays can be both healthy and delicious. University of Georgia Cooperative Extension nutrition specialist Connie Crawley these gives tips to make healthier foods a little easier.
Photo of cooked turkey on a dinner table. CAES News
Cooking the holiday bird
Holidays are the time for home-cooked turkeys. University of Georgia food experts offer advice on how to select and prepare a delicious bird.
Drive safely
Holidays call for family gatherings and, to get there, plenty of travel. With a major increase in traffic on the roads, make sure you and your families are safe.
Food safety tips for the holidays
The holiday season is a time for family, tradition and food. But many don’t think about the increased risk for food poisoning the season also ushers in.
Fall weather?
Georgia's warm and dry weather continued in October. Drought in southeast Georgia increased and record-high temperatures were tied or set at many locations.
A bed bug fills with blood as it feeds on a human arm. CAES News
Bed bug population on the rise
A bed bug feeds on Lisa Ames’ left arm. Every 30 seconds, Ames pops off a photograph with the camera she precariously holds in her right hand. Strange? Maybe, but it’s all in the name of science.
Grill Honey, made by Savannah Bee Company, was named Grand Champion at the 2010 Flavor of Georgia Food Product Contest. Diana Smirl accepts the award on behalf of Savannah Bee Company from Gov. Sonny Perdue and culinary experts Jamie Deen (left) and Bobby Deen. CAES News
2011 Flavor of Georgia
Savannah Bee Company served its Grill Honey on melted brie with raspberries. But, the honey tasted just fine by itself and earned the grand prize at the 2010 Flavor of Georgia food product contest.
Ag Forecast 2011 CAES News
Ag Forecast 2011
Agriculture is the food you eat, clothes you wear and the fuel that runs your life. When these products are made locally, it helps communities thrive.