News Stories - Page 471

News from the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

A bean plataspid crawls on the side of a home in northeast Georgia. CAES News
Kudzu-eating pest
Researchers from the University of Georgia and Dow AgroSciences have identified a kudzu-eating pest in northeast Georgia that has never been found in the Western Hemisphere. Unfortunately, the bug also eats legume crops, especially soybeans.
Turfgrass institute
Turfgrass professionals will learn the latest about their industry from experts across the Southeast Dec. 9-10 during the annual Turfgrass Institute and Trade Show at the Gwinnett Civic and Cultural Center in Duluth, Ga.
Buyer quits Ga. tobacco
In an industry slowly fading in Georgia, tobacco growers got a recent kick in the pants when their major purchaser announced it would no longer buy from them.
Protect potted plants
When wintry weather rolls in, landscape plants must fend off cold temperatures and frost on their own. But some potted plants are lucky enough to get a free pass indoors.
Thanksgiving plans
As the holiday season approaches, homes will soon be filled with family and friends. Thanksgiving is a few weeks away, but planning now can make the big day less hectic.
Know your farmers
Kathleen Merrigan believes all families should know where their food comes from. To do that, they must first know where it all begins -- with farmers.
Visitors to University of Georgia building enthusiastically (and not so enthusiastically) learn about roaches at 32nd Sunbelt Agricultural Exposition Oct. 20 in Moultrie, Ga. CAES News
Sunbelt Expo
Visitors to the 32nd annual Sunbelt Agricultural Exposition learned about the latest agricultural equipment, technology and information firsthand Oct. 20-22. They also got to watch college deans go udder-to-udder in a milking contest and witness the unexpected birth of baby roaches.
Winter weather outlook
There is a high likelihood that Georgia’s winter will be wetter and cooler than normal.
Energy education grant
A $1.3 million stimulus grant to University of Georgia College of Family and Consumer Sciences will help Georgians reduce their energy bills and carbon footprint, and create jobs in Georgia.
Becky Douville of Able 2 Farm in Fayette County, Ga., grows organic tomatoes CAES News
Organic acreage
Of the more than 170,000 acres of Georgia farmland devoted to growing vegetables, only 3,000 acres are dedicated to growing organic produce. The numbers are small, but these producers are finding demand is high in their niche market.