News Stories - Page 495

News from the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

Ag Innovation
All business owners would appreciate a little extra help, especially in these hard economic times. Georgia agribusinesses and farmers have a team working for them at the Centers of Innovation for Agriculture. And, their help is free.
Heart Health
Every year we try to convince ourselves to adopt healthy habits that will reduce our risk of heart disease. Even though we understand the importance of making these changes, our American lifestyle makes it hard to do.
Economics of stem cells
President Obama’s anticipated action on the isolation of new embryonic stem cell lines is welcome news to many, but frankly, it will have little impact on speeding stem cell therapies for the majority of Americans who need them. Those in need of therapies will continue to wait.
Natural Gas Prices
If you are one of the 1.4 million natural gas customers in the deregulated Atlanta Gas Light service area, you could experience sticker shock in the next two months. The Georgia Public Service Commission says natural gas customers can expect a 24 percent increase in their heating bills this winter.
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension and the UGA Center for Urban Agriculture will host two hands-on landscape design workshops for green industry professionals on Feb. 18-19 in Griffin, Ga.
4-H history book
Since 1904, the Georgia 4-H program has taught Georgia youth lifelong leadership skills. What began as a program to teach new farming techniques has grown into a program that builds character and self-confidence.
Internet connection
The University of Georgia and its partner universities and organizations are using new media to help get the word out about solutions to a long-time issue – animal manure. They’ve combined resources and given animal manure management a home on the Internet.
Air-purifying plants
Martha Stewart says houseplants add to a home’s décor. But they can also purify indoor air, say University of Georgia experts.
Green Cleaning
Everywhere you look someone is coughing, sneezing, hacking or wheezing. When everyone around you is sick, you want to kill all the germs that could infect you next. But think twice before grabbing that store-bought bottle of disinfectant.
Tree trouble
Recent rains left soils soggy across the state. The muddy puddles are doing more than making a mess. The stress the pools of water are placing on trees can cause serious problems down the road.