Browse International Programs Stories - Page 15

199 results found for International Programs

News from the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

Janice Giddens, a 2005 recipient of the CAES Certificate in International Agriculture, works with families in Rwanda through Gardens for Health International. CAES News
1,000 Days
In 2005, as an undergraduate student in the University of Georgia’s dietetics and consumer foods program, Janice Giddens wrote an essay as part of her application to the International Agriculture Certificate program: “Teaching people the importance of growing indigenous and nutritious foods is as important as teaching them why they should consume them. This program will give me the ability to do this.”
UGA alumnus Hiram Larew, back, celebrates with UGA food science graduate student Maria Moore and Director for Office of Global Programs Amrit Bart at the 2017 Association for International Agriculture and Rural Development Conference. CAES News
Agricultural Development
When Maria Moore learned that scholarships were available to attend the Future Leaders Forum sponsored by the Association for International Agriculture and Rural Development (AIARD), she immediately applied.
Founded in 1222, UNIPD — now home to UGA's dual master's degree program in sustainable agriculture — is considered the fifth-oldest university in the world. Located about 25 miles from Venice in northern Italy's Veneto region, the city of Padova is much older. Padova traces its roots to 1183 B.C. In addition to scores of notable faculty and alumni – Galileo Galilei taught mathematics at UNIPD for 17 years, and astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus and Andrea Vesalio, the founder of modern anatomy, both studied there – the world's oldest botanical garden, established in 1545, is also located at the university. CAES News
Dual Degree Program
UGA Tifton graduate heads to Italy to pursue dual master's degree in sustainable agriculture.  
Daniel Mwalwayo, a visiting scientist from Malawi, works with Ruth Wangia in a University of Georgia environmental health lab. Mwalwayo is researching on UGA's Athens and Griffin campuses for 12 weeks on a Borlaug Fellowship, which is funded by the USDA and administered by the UGA CAES Office of Global Programs. (Photo by Allison Floyd.) CAES News
Borlaug Fellowship
Daniel Mwalwayo has spent most of his professional career working to ensure a safe food supply in his home country of Malawi.
Aggrey Gama, a Malawian food scientist working on his PhD at the University of Georgia, recently returned to Griffin, where he is working with advising professor Koushik Adhikari, to design a peanut-based beverage. CAES News
Peanut drink research
Aggrey Gama, a doctoral student at the University of Georgia’s (UGA) Griffin campus, is crafting a drink that would deliver the nutrition and tastiness of peanuts to consumers in his home country of Malawi.
Patrick Broder and Hans Broder Jr., left, and Josef Broder, far right, congratulate Samaria Aluko, the inaugural winner of the Broder-Ackermann Global Citizen Award, on April 18 at CAES's seventh annual International Agriculture Day reception. Aluko will receive a $1,000 scholarship to support her work helping to provide health care to underserved communities. CAES News
Global Citizenship Award
Swiss immigrants Hans and Margrit Broder honored for their global worldview and dedication to their children.
The UGA CAES Office of Global Programs recognized eight students for completing the college's Certificate in International Agriculture. From left, Assistant Director of the Office of Global Programs Vicki McMacken, and Director of the Office of Global Programs Amrit Bart, congratulate Carleen Porter, Tatum Monroe, Sarah Pate, Anna Hartley, Anna Trakhman, Addie Tucker, Aiden Holley and Mary Shelley with CAES Dean Sam Pardue and CAES Director of Experiential Learning Amanda Stephens. CAES News
International Agriculture
The problems and promise of international agricultural development take center stage at the CAES International Agriculture Reception.
Former UGA CAES dean and director Scott Angle, pictured in hat, took a job with the International Fertilizer Development Center in 2015. After a decade of leading CAES's research, outreach and teaching efforts, he now spends his days working to help farmers in developing nations. This photo was taken on a trip to Ghana, where women are responsible for more than 40 percent of agricultural activities. CAES News
International Agriculture Reception
J. Scott Angle, former UGA CAES dean, returns with a sharpened focus on global agriculture to speak on what smallholder farmers need to succeed.
Caroline Phillips spent two semesters studying at ETH in Switzerland while earning her UGA degree. CAES News
Exchange Program
As she began her sophomore year, Caroline Phillips knew something was missing from her collegiate experience. “I had friends, was a member of various organizations, and was doing fine academically,” she recalls. “But I thought I needed something more.”
Dagomba is one of the villages in Ghana where farmers work with PMIL partners to learn new growing and storage techniques. CAES News
Ghanaian farmers honored
A few years ago, peanut farmers in the Dagomba village in the Ashanti region of Ghana had little training in how to grow, dry and store their crop in a way that would increase yield and improve quality. They planted the same variety that has grown in the region for decades and hoped that rains would fall at the right time to make a good crop. They harvested whenever they could and spread the nuts out on the ground to dry in the sun. But when offered the chance to learn improved techniques, they took advantage and have results to show for it.