Browse International Programs Stories - Page 18

199 results found for International Programs

News from the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

Ann M. Steensland, deputy director for the Global Harvest Initiative, will deliver the keynote address at this year's Sixth Annual International Agriculture Day Reception. The event will be held from 3:30-5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 19, at the Georgia Museum of Art. CAES News
Food Security in Focus
Ann M. Steensland, deputy director for the Global Harvest Initiative, will deliver the keynote address at this year’s Sixth Annual International Agriculture Day reception. The event will be held from 3:30-5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 19, at the Georgia Museum of Art. Hosted by the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Office of Global Programs, the talk and reception are free and open to the public.
UGA poultry science developed the Chkminvent app, a poultry house moisture removal and ventilation calculator intended to provide users with an estimated minimum ventilation rate required to remove the specified daily amount of moisture from a poultry house. CAES News
International Poultry Outreach
Poultry is playing an increasingly important role in feeding the planet’s growing population, which is expected to reach about 9 billion by 2050.
University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Dean and Director Sam Pardue - January 2016 CAES News
New Dean Named
Samuel Pardue, a noted poultry science researcher and administrator at North Carolina State University, has been named dean and director of the University of Georgia’s College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.
Global Programs 2015
Building CAES’s international reputation and a robust global community of support are the main goals of the college’s Office of Global Programs. With a full slate of research, academic and outreach activities and the introduction of a new strategic plan, 2015 has been a banner year for the office.
CAES graduate student Emily Urban, Office of Global Programs Associate Director Vicki McMaken and CAES undergraduate student Erin Burnett. CAES News
Borlaug Dialogue
In the middle of this season of feasting and fêtes, it can sometimes be easy to forget about the plight of people who struggle to have enough to eat. For two University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences students who had the chance to attend the 2015 World Food Prize Borlaug Dialogue this fall, that won’t be the case this year.
Walter Ondicho Moturi, Emmanuellah Lekete, Marina Aferiba Tandoh and Yamin Kabir are studying in the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences and College of Family and Consumer Sciences as part of the Borlaug Higher Education for Agricultural Research and Development fellowship program. CAES News
BHEARD Fellows
Norman Borlaug,1970 Nobel Peace Prize laureate and one of the leaders the Green Revolution dedicated his career to help ending food scarcity around the world. This fall four agricultural scientists from Africa and Asia are taking up that mantle and continuing his work as part of the Borlaug Higher Education for Agricultural Research and Development (BHEARD) Program at the University of Georgia.
Matthew Chappell (front) traveled to Spain with several U.S. colleagues to learn the “eFoodPrint” software. (L-R) are Andrew Ristvey, John Lea-Cox, and Bruk Belema, all from the University of Maryland, and Tom Fernandez, from Michigan State University. CAES News
Faculty Travel Grants
Projects ranging from research to control downy mildew on grapes in the Southeastern United States to developing software for U.S.-based specialty crops that may ultimately lead to enhancements in the use of precision irrigation were among the focus of the 11 UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Science faculty members who received grants from the Faculty International Travel Funding Program last spring from the Office of Global Programs for summer travel.
OGP Strategic Plan
Although the ink is barely dry on the newly adopted three-year strategic plan, faculty and staff in the Office of Global Programs already are attacking the plan’s priorities, according to OGP Director Amrit Bart.
Sangaya Rajaram and Norman Borlaug working in wheat fields in Mexico. CAES News
D.W. Brooks Lecture
In a time of public debate over the effectiveness and safety of genetically modified foods, it’s hard to picture the era before crop breeders developed grain varieties that could withstand drought and common diseases.
Brad K Hounkpati is shown in his UGA office with images of his lady bug collection shown on his computer screen. CAES News
International Graduate Research
In 2015, the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES) expanded a program that funds graduate student research travel, with remarkable results.