Browse International Programs Stories - Page 19

199 results found for International Programs

News from the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

UGA agricultural economist Nick Magnan and his colleague Grace Motey interview women who work buying and selling peanuts at a market in Ghana. CAES News
International Development
What is the best way to help people in developing countries build food security? That’s the question at the center of University of Georgia agricultural economist Nick Magnan’s research.
Rachel Wigington, who is pursuing her master's degree in agricultural and environmental education, presented on her internship in France during summer 2015. Reynolds is an International Certificate Student and presented at the inaugural international agriculture certificate students night. CAES News
International Ag Community
Over the 25 years that the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences has offered its Certificate in International Agriculture, more than 125 certificate students have traveled to dozens of countries throughout the world to conduct internships with UGA partners.
The first place winner of the 2015 Ag Abroad Photo Contest. Entry description: This photo of a Datoga woman was taken near Lake Eyasi in Tanzania, as she milked one of her family's cows and allowed a baby goat to nurse from the cow. The woman pictured is one of five sister wives who are the main caretakers of the family's large herd of cattle and goats. The women of the family will labor many hours a day to milk, feed and water the herd. The Datoga are a pastoralist tribe that place a high value on cattle for their livelihood and as a symbol of status. Every part of the cow is used, from the day-to-day milk for nutrients and dung for wall plaster, to the bones, hide and meat upon slaughter. Cattle are used as a currency for bride prices, and a large herd is seen as a status symbol in the community. Goats are also used as a currency, though are seen as much less valuable. CAES News
Ag Abroad Photo Contest
A picture may be worth 1,000 words, but for University of Georgia students who participate in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences’ (CAES) Ag Abroad Photo Contest, they are worth much more.
Left to Right: UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Science Dean J. Scott Angle, PMIL Director Dave Hoisington, Food for Kids Ag Research Specialist Will Sheard, Meds and Food for Kids agronomist Jean Phillipe Dorzin and UGA peanut pathologist Bob Kemerait. CAES News
Haiti Visit
While the University of Georgia is known as a hub for peanut research, sometimes the most impactful research is conducted on the farms and in the countries that will be most affected by the work.
Sushil Yadav, a Borlaug Fellow who spent four months at the University of Georgia Center for Applied Genetic Technologies working with Zenglu Li, learning “metabolic fingerprinting” skills that he'll take back t the Central Research Institute for Dryland Research in India. CAES News
Borlaug Fellows
For many Indian families, “pulse” crops – lentils and other legumes that are eaten as porridges – are essential. Not only are they an important source of protein, but these pulse crops can also grow on poor soil and produce lentils and legumes even with limited and erratic rainfall.
Faculty Travel Grants
In an effort to increase international collaboration on research and outreach projects, the Office of Global Programs at the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences has awarded its 2015 international travel grants for college faculty.
UGA and Vietnam
The University of Georgia is more than 9,000 miles away from where most Vietmanese college students pursued their undergraduate degrees, but representatives from the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences want it to be on the top of their list of possible graduate schools.
CAES Office of Global Programs director Amrit Bart, left, poses with Kanemasu Global Engagement Award winner Emily Urban and retired Office of Global Programs director Ed Kanemasu and his wife, Karen Kanemasu. CAES News
Office of Global Programs
While many of us spend spring planning our summer vacations, dozens of College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences students are set to embark on the adventure of the lifetime — traveling to Africa, Asia, Latin America and Europe to learn about agriculture and the environment.
Students in Department of Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communication (ALEC), Professor Dennis Duncan's Global Seminar in Agricultural Leadership course each spring. CAES News
Global Perspectives
In agricultural circles, it seems few topics can ruffle more feathers or start more shouting matches than talk of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) or animal rights. These are just the types of discussion topics Professor Dennis Duncan, in the Department of Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communication (ALEC), encourages in his Global Seminar in Agricultural Leadership course each spring.
Darold Batzer (L) and Leonardo Maltchik of Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos at a wetland in southern Brazil. CAES News
Travel Funds
Three CAES faculty members have been awarded funding from the first-round of the newly launched Office of Global Programs Faculty International Travel Funding Program. However, a second round is already under way; the deadline for applying is April 1.