News Stories - Page 500

News from the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

Turkey-less holidays
Downing turkey sandwiches on a near-daily basis over the holidays may have some people reaching for any alternative. There are several healthy substitutes for those who suffer turkey overload, says a University of Georgia expert.
Meatless holidays
There won’t be any meat on Robin Pratt’s holiday table. Without a turkey or ham to fuss over, the Winterville, Ga., Web designer spends her extra time “focused on friends and family instead of the food,” she said.
Healthy, tasty
Traditional holiday meals with plenty of vegetables put Georgians a step ahead of their neighbors to the north. Vegetables free of extras like butter, breadcrumbs and heavy creams could help Georgians stay healthy, says a University of Georgia expert.
Tasty turkey
For generations, Americans have sought the secret to cooking the perfect turkey for holiday meals. Some have abandoned the time-tested roasting ritual for fast frying or other cooking methods, but a tasty bird can still be found in the oven.
Troop treats
University of Georgia food safety expert offers advice on packing and shipping holiday goodies to troops overseas.
Thaw turkey
As Thanksgiving approaches, it’s time to talk turkey. There are many questions surrounding the age-old tradition: Should you buy fresh or frozen? How do you safely thaw a turkey? What’s the best stuffing? How do you cook the turkey without drying it out? How will you know when it’s done? Food safety experts with University of Georgia Cooperative Extension offer the answers.
Fay damages crops
Tropical Storm Fay brought much needed rainfall to Georgia in late August, but it caused $159 million in damage to crops in 31 south Georgia counties, according to a University of Georgia economic impact study.
The U.S. has 75,000 acres of cultivated blueberries. A third of that is grown in the South. The region is on track to become the hub of U.S. blueberry production within the next five years.
Food allergies
Teresa Haire reads the labels on all the food she feeds her two-year-old son, Brandon. If she doesn’t, it could be serious. He’s allergic to eggs and peanuts.
Tossed tomatoes
When it comes to food, perceived danger can be as harmful as a real one, especially to a farmer’s wallet. Georgia tomato growers learned that lesson firsthand when consumers stopped buying fresh tomatoes during this summer’s Salmonella scare linked to fresh tomatoes.