News Stories - Page 203

News from the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

Damage done on Southern pea by cowpea curculio. CAES News
Cowpea Curculio
Once a top agricultural commodity in Georgia, the Southern pea’s presence in the state is now minimal. Growers are reluctant to plant the crop due to a tiny weevil, the cowpea curculio.
Pink roses bloom on a rose bush at the University of Georgia Research and Education Garden in Griffin, Georgia. Roses come in a plethora of colors now, not just the traditional red. CAES News
Homegrown Roses
On Valentine’s Day, the demand for cut flowers, especially for roses, is high. This year, Keith Fielder, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension agent and rose grower, suggests giving a rose plant along with those fresh cut roses so your sweetheart can enjoy roses almost year-round.
Tatiana Plummer, a Fulton County 4-H Club member, won first place at the elementary school level in the 2017 Georgia Saves Make Your Own Piggy Bank Contest. Georgia elementary and middle school students have until March 15 to enter this year's contest. CAES News
Piggy Banks
Students in Georgia’s elementary and middle schools are invited to compete in Georgia Saves’ second annual Make Your Own Piggy Bank Contest.
During January 2018, temperatures across Georgia were below normal. CAES News
Cool, dry January
Georgia saw a cooler-than-normal start to the year, and most of the state posted average temperatures between 2.5 and 4 degrees below normal. With cool, dry air expected to dominate Georgia’s climate in coming weeks, there is a chance that drought could continue expanding across the state and may persist through the spring.
Rock Eagle 4-H Center's environmental education staff will open the camp's high ropes course to the public from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Feb. 17. Adults and children over 11 years old can climb the camp's 30-foot rock wall while waiting for their turn to zip through the pine tree tops on the camp's zip line. 
Experienced staff will be on site to supply all of the necessary climbing gear and safety equipment. Participants must wear close-toed shoes and dress for the weather. Participants are guaranteed at least one trip down the zip line. CAES News
Rock Eagle Ropes
Families struggling to beat cabin fever this winter can take to the trees at Rock Eagle 4-H Center on Saturday, Feb. 17.
Exobasidium leaf and fruit spot disease on blueberry. CAES News
Blueberry Disease
The key to managing Exobasidium leaf and fruit spot disease in blueberries, which makes the fruit unmarketable, is one application of lime sulfur approximately two weeks prior to bud break, according to Jonathan Oliver, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension fruit pathologist.
Scott Jackson, director of the University of Georgia Center for Applied Genetic Technologies (CAGT) in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, helped to map these genomes as part of the international Oryza Map Alignment Project (OMAP). CAES News
Rice Genome
Rice has been a staple food crop around the world for millennia, but little was known about the wild origins of the world’s most widely produced crop until the recent mapping of the genomes of 13 ancestral rice species. Scott Jackson, director of the University of Georgia Center for Applied Genetic Technologies (CAGT) in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, helped to map these genomes as part of The International Oryza Map Alignment Project.
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension horticulturist Bob Westerfield displays several pieces of lawn and garden equipment during a class on the UGA campus in Griffin, Georgia. CAES News
Equipment Workshop
An upcoming Small Engine Maintenance and Repair Workshop will teach attendees how to properly select, troubleshoot and maintain common garden and landscape equipment; sharpen hand tools, knives and chainsaws; tune motors; and properly prepare engines for long-term storage. Offered by the University of Georgia, the class will be held on the Griffin, Georgia, campus.
Most chronic diseases, including cardiovascular disease (CVD), are caused by modifiable behaviors. The three most common risk behaviors for CVD are lack of physical activity, poor nutrition and inadequate weight management. Make exercise a family affair to get healthy and spend valuable time together. CAES News
Heart Health
February has arrived. Cue the hearts, flowers and Valentine’s Day festivities. While we have love on the brain, I would like to challenge you to change your perception of love by caring for your heart. February is American Heart Month.
Tomato transplants grown from seeds are ready to begin an adjustment to outdoor temperatures. CAES News
Winter Chores
February is here and, even though it is cold outside, many garden tasks can be completed now in preparation for a successful growing season. From starting seeds indoors to cleaning and sharpening garden tools, there are plenty of garden chores to do before spring arrives.