News Stories - Page 205

News from the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

Spotted wing drosophila on a blueberry. CAES News
Spotted wing drosophila
University of Georgia entomologist Ashfaq Sial advises Georgia blueberry farmers to manage the spotted wing drosophila (SWD), the crop’s most destructive pest, by incorporating cultural practices into farming.
A survey of the state's sod inventory is conducted each year by University of Georgia Cooperative Extension and the Georgia Urban Ag Council. Each year, Georgia sod producers and other members of the industry, including equipment manufacturers, gather for the annual Sod Field Day. This photo shows a sod harvester being demonstrated. CAES News
Sod Prices
Georgia’s supply of sodded turfgrass will sufficiently cover demand this year, and the delivery cost is not expected to rise, according to the Annual Georgia Sod Producers Inventory Survey conducted by Clint Waltz, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension turfgrass specialist, and the Georgia Urban Ag Council.
The H5N2 strain of avian influenza doesn't hurt people, but it can hurt chickens. Backyard chicken owners can bring the disease home to their flock if they are not aware of the potential threats or signs of sick birds. CAES News
Backyard Flock Safety
At the end of December 2017, a strain of the H7 avian influenza was found in a green-winged teal, a widespread North American duck, collected in McIntosh County on the Georgia coast. 
The blooms of the 'Kanjiro' camellia bring in an assortment of pollinators. CAES News
'Kanjiro' Camellia
In Japanese, the word “kanjiro” means “you must feel.” I’m not sure if that means “to touch” or “to experience,” but the ‘Kanjiro’ camellia is certainly one to experience. The ‘Kanjiro’ camellia is known botanically as “Camellia hiemalis” and debuted in 1954. The longevity of this camellia cultivar, which is entering its 64th year, is a testament to both its character and performance in the landscape.
Pecans on the ground on the UGA Tifton Campus in this 2013 photo. CAES News
Georgia Pecan Crop
Hurricane Irma, downgraded to a tropical storm when it entered the state, damaged about 30 percent of Georgia’s pecan crop, and the storm’s effects could linger into next growing season, according to University of Georgia Cooperative Extension pecan specialist Lenny Wells.
Mickey Taylor, front row, third from left, coordinates the Georgia's Pesticide Safety Education Program (PSEP) through University of Georgia Cooperative Extension. He recently attended a conference in Qui Nhon, Vietnam, where he discussed best practices for implementing pesticide regulation and education programs in emerging economies. CAES News
Pesticide Safety Outreach
In the U.S., the most toxic pesticides can only be purchased and used by those who’ve undergone rigorous training. In some other countries, that’s not the case. Mickey Taylor, who coordinates Georgia’s Pesticide Safety Education Program (PSEP) through University of Georgia Cooperative Extension, recently attended a conference in Qui Nhon, Vietnam. There, Taylor discussed best practices for implementing pesticide regulation and education programs in emerging economies.
Sabrina Beasley, a UGA Extension Fulton Fresh participant, inspects a  bunch of  bok choy during a Fulton Fresh supermarket tour this winter. CAES News
Food Retail Revolution
A second food retail revolution, unlike the first, which was spearheaded by new entrants, is being led by existing industry leaders. For this reason, in addition to lessons learned from the many failures so far, the second-generation revolution is likely to succeed.
Janet Hollingsworth CAES News
SE District Director
Janet Hollingsworth recently took on the new role of Southeast District director within University of Georgia Cooperative Extension. She now oversees Extension in 39 counties in southeastern Georgia and the Coastal Georgia Botanical Garden at the Historic Bamboo Farm in Savannah, Georgia.
Landscape Resolutions
The new year is a time for making new personal resolutions. Consider also making some resolutions to prevent problems in the garden throughout 2018. These gardening resolutions could even be easier to keep than personal resolutions like eating less and exercising more.
The Christmas cactus is made up of colorful, iridescent bracts. This true cactus, minus thorns, is native to the South American rainforest. CAES News
Christmas Cactus
Most gardeners know that getting poinsettias to rebloom is a task that is beyond formidable. However, the Christmas cactus, which is rare in beauty, is actually easy to grow and rebloom, maybe even for the rest of your life.