News Stories - Page 505

News from the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

Chemical controls
Fall is the perfect time to rid your lawn of fire ants, but the kind of pesticide you chose will determine how quickly and how long you’ll keep the biting pests at bay, says a University of Georgia expert.
Cairo, Ga., received 16.8 inches of rainfall from Tropical Storm Fay, the most recorded across the state. Many cities received up to 10 inches of rainfall as the storm swept across the state Aug. 22-26. CAES News
Rain from Fay
Rain from Tropical Storm Fay brought much needed moisture to Georgia August 22-26. According to the University of Georgia Automated Environmental Monitoring Network, many places got more than 10 inches of rain from the storm’s slow trek across the Southeast.
Field to fork
Each Friday, fruits and vegetables grown at UGA’s organic teaching farm in Athens, Ga., are plated up and spotlighted at the Savannah Room, a restaurant at the UGA Center for Continuing Education Conference Center and Hotel.
Spend to save
Georgia is experiencing a budget shortfall that will force cuts of between 5 percent and 10 percent of the state budget. The governor and the General Assembly must consider any opportunity to reduce spending. Cuts of that magnitude won't be easy to make. Hopefully, the Georgia Land Conservation Program won't be among the cuts.
Learning leadership
The class assignment was to find an organization to help and make a memorable impression on its people. University of Georgia student Liberty Newberry felt her group’s 200-foot slip-n-slide, though fun, just wasn’t enough.
Missing checks
Almost 168,000 Georgians haven’t seen the money, yet, says a financial expert with the University of Georgia. To get their economic stimulus checks, they need to file a 2007 tax return by Oct. 17.
Midville opens
A grand re-opening ceremony complete with a field day was held Wednesday, Aug. 20, at the Southeast Research and Education Center in Midville, Ga.
Beneficial drought?
Gardeners and landscapers are pleased with the drought for at least one reason. It has diminished the Japanese beetle population.
TV goes digital
Television is going digital on Feb.17, 2009. People who receive analog broadcasts will need to make some changes by then to continue to receive the free programming.
Native plants
Gardeners who want to add a little native flare to their landscapes should check out a new publication by experts with University of Georgia Cooperative Extension.